What words work best to captivate home owners attention?

[FBSLF] Words That Woo 1200x628

I think this might be the hardest of all of the elements of seller lead generation on Facebook… figuring out what words work best to captivate home owners attention.

The key piece to remember when you are writing your ads is this… do not try to reach anyone and everyone in this single ad.

In other words, don’t be “that guy,” the one that runs a home value ad and then includes “1st time home buyer?” and “I ♡ Referrals!” and and and…

Seriously! Don’t do this. Not only are 1st time home buyers and referrals going to ignore your ad, you are going to miss out on home owners (the whole point of running this home value ad).

You need to step back and write your ad for that single seller. Communicate directly with them, not “everyone.” If you also want referrals, write and run an ad targeted to getting referrals. If you also want 1st time home buyers, write and run an ad targeted to getting 1st time home buyers.

Ok, second only to your Foolproof Photo, your ad verbiage is a priority element to capturing the prospects attention.

If you don’t have the “write” words, the resonating call-to-action, your ad will flop. In other words, prospects won’t click on your ad.

The goal for any ad is to get eyeballs to take action… not to just get eyeballs. “Reach” is pointless without action. Pointless. Don’t fall for that deception in your Facebook lead generation.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help guide you through this…

1. Who are you trying to reach? Remember, it’s not everyone, nor is it every seller.

As I mentioned above, you are not trying to reach everyone. But, to expand on that, you also aren’t trying to reach every seller.

Your ad will fall on deaf ears if you try to reach all home owners. In other words, if you simply run an ad targeted to homeowners offering them their home value… it will cost you more money and require you to push that ad out to more people in order to get a few to click through on that ad.

So, who ARE you trying to reach in this specific ad? Have you done any research in your market area to see which homes are selling and which ones are not? Which ones are in more demand than others?

Where are they located? What is their price point? How long have people lived in them? Why are the current owners selling? Where are the current owners moving to?

For example, there was a time in my market that 1st time home buyers were jumping into the market like crazy, and there simply weren’t enough homes for them.

So, I had to look and analyze, who owned the homes they were looking for? Turns out, the investors we had been selling like mad to were the owners of 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, entry-level homes in our market.

So what did I do? I started marketing to out of state owners (this was pre-Facebook targeting) who owned homes in 3 specific neighborhoods with a home size and price point that 1st time home buyers were jumping into.

We got listings, tons of them, and they sold like hotcakes. We couldn’t keep our hands on them. While other agents were out there struggling to get listings, we had them at our fingertips, because we appealed to out of state owners… their struggles, why they wanted to sell, why now was “the time,” etc.

So figure out WHO your homeowner is, first and foremost.

2. Why do they want to sell? It’s usually an emotional reason… what inspires people to want to sell?

Next you need to know WHY they would want to sell.

Better yet, how do you tug at their emotional reason for selling when perhaps, they haven’t considered selling?

You jump into their minds. Why do they want to sell? Why would they want to sell? Think beyond financial and practical. Go into emotions.

Are they tired of being a landlord? Are they tired of managing a property that’s far from them? Are they ready to invest in something else? Are they bored?

Granted, all of these questions I just asked are focused on out of state investment owners (as that is the example I’m using in this training article), but you’ve got to ask yourself these questions about your prospective sellers.

Has their family expanded? Whether through babies or parents moving in? Have they become empty nesters? Do they want to upsize or downsize?

Don’t guess, do some research! You will thank yourself for doing this later, when your ads are bringing in high-quality leads and are costing you pennies.

3. What conversation is happening in their head? Typically it’s unexpressed concerns about selling or moving.

What are they debating with themselves?

Are they unsure about the 1031 process? Are they concerned about the property being vacant while they sell? Should they hold onto the property a bit longer? These are very common amongst investment property owners.

Does the idea of moving exhaust them? Is it hard for them to leave the memories they’ve built in that home over the years? Are they worried they’ll make the wrong decision? Are they in a home they really can’t afford and are afraid to make a change?

What conversation is happening in their head? Once you figure this out, you’ve got it made.

4. What will convince them to take action?

Here’s a hint, when you write your ad verbiage, respond to the conversation that is happening in their head.

If you can solve their problem for them, they are more than likely going to take action.

In our case, I created short videos about the 1031 process, simplifying it into layman’s terms. I also provided a solution to the vacancy factor.

Can you provide a solution to the the problem that is rumbling around in their head? Can you provide a solution to a problem that they don’t even know is rumbling around in their head?

So there it is…

Use your consumer insight to create verbiage that focuses on a SINGLE problem, and offer a SINGLE solution to that problem.

If you’ve missed out on the other pieces of this training series, here they are for you…

There are 4 essential elements that are required if you want to generate real estate seller leads from Facebook (start here).

You will want to have these all in place before you spend time inside Facebook’s Power Editor creating your ads…

  1. You want an ideal destination funnel for the traffic you are going to generate.
  1. You need foolproof photos that grab homeowners attention.
  1. You need to write words that woo, words that convince homeowners to take action and convert homeowners into your database.
  1. You need the perfect targeting that doesn’t waste your time or your money.

Now all you’ve got to do is put in the work and then mesh it all together.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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