It's a strategy that works

[FBSLF] The 4 Essential Elements For Successful Facebook Seller Lead Generation 1200x628

Have you ever wondered HOW some real estate agents are generating real, viable, real estate seller leads from Facebook? Do you get frustrated when you can’t figure out how to make it all work for you?

Have you ever tried to duplicate what you see other agents doing… perhaps the words they use in their ads, or the photos they use, or just about anything you can see that you think is working, but you can’t seem to duplicate results worth getting excited about?

That’s what I want to focus on today… I want to help you figure out the essential elements you must have in place in order to generate seller leads from Facebook, and then help you get those elements into place so you can successfully generate real estate seller leads from Facebook.

They are there, they are engaged in using Facebook and yes, it’s pretty easy to convince them to come over to your “hub” and give you their information.

But, it’s not just about what you see on the surface. In fact, it’s mostly about what is below the surface. Much like an iceberg, the majority of what will bring you lead generation results lies underneath the surface.

On the surface you see ads. Below the surface, you see all of the elements that make the ad work to capture & convert real estate seller leads.

There are 4 essential elements that are required if you want to generate real estate seller leads.

You will want to have these all in place before you spend time inside Facebook’s Power Editor creating your ads…

  1. You want an ideal destination funnel for the traffic you are going to generate.
  2. You need foolproof photos that grab homeowners attention.
  3. You need to write words that woo, words that convince homeowners to take action and convert homeowners into your database.
  4. You need the perfect targeting that doesn’t waste your time or your money.

I’ll go as deep as possible on each one of these in the next few training articles, but for right now, let’s dig right below the surface on each of these elements…

You want an ideal destination funnel for the traffic you are going to generate.

Think about it. Where are you going to move people to when you run a seller focused ad on Facebook?

If you want to capture a seller lead’s information, you’ve got to drive them to a place to do this.

The type of page you drive sellers to is a landing page. In the past they’ve been called squeeze pages.

landing page is NOT just another page on your website. It’s different. The sole focus of this type of website page, aka a landing page, is to capture the contact information from the traffic (aka leads) that land on the page.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help guide you through this…

  1. Look at your layout. In this case, the shorter the better.
  2. Less is more. Don’t try to convince or teach on your landing page.
  3. Maintain a singular focus. Don’t have links to any other resources or places.
  4. Call-to-action is important. It is the same message as your ad verbiage.

You need foolproof photos that grab homeowners attention.

The photo you use in your ad will be the first thing that grabs the lead’s attention and you want to grab and hold on. Your ad photo is very important. Very.

Here’s a tip… don’t use stock photos for your ads. Use photos that connect on a social and emotional level with the leads you are trying to capture.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help guide you through this…

  1. What can you take pictures of that is recognizable & local? Think about neighborhood features, unique houses in the neighborhoods you serve, things like that.
  2. What message does your photo convey? Remember, it needs to convey the emotional reason why they want to sell.
  3. Does the photo include embedded text? If so, what words? Always keep in mind that a picture is worth 1,000 words and the perfect picture doesn’t need words.
  4. What are its dimensions? Facebook’s image dimension recommendations for Facebook ads is 1200×628 pixels. Use Canva  to resize.

You need to write words that woo, words that convince homeowners to take action and convert homeowners into your database.

This might be the hardest part for most real estate agents. Writing the verbiage of the ad itself.

Here’s what you need to remember… you are not trying to reach anyone and everyone, nor are you trying to reach every seller, at least not in this single ad.

Your ad verbiage is the second most important element to capturing the prospects attention.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help guide you through this…

  1. Who are you trying to reach? Remember, it’s not everyone, nor is it every seller.
  2. Why do they want to sell? It’s usually an emotional reason… what inspires people to want to sell?
  3. What conversation is happening in their head? Typically it’s unexpressed concerns about selling or moving.
  4. What will convince them to take action? Here’s a hint, when you write your ad verbiage, respond to the conversation that is happening in their head.

You need the perfect targeting that doesn’t waste your time or your money.

One of the biggest mistakes real estate agents make is in their targeting. Either they completely forget to include targeting or, they try to reach too many people, in too many places, thereby eliminating the potential for success.

You want to focus on where your sellers live, not where they want to move to. And, you most definitely do not want to target anyone and everyone. It simply won’t work well for you.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help guide you through this…

  1. Where should I target? Here’s a hint, you do not want to target your entire county or town.
  2. How old are your sellers? It is important to connect your message with your seller.
  3. Homeownership Details. This is a priority. Utilize Facebook’s demographics targeting to use this feature.
  4. Targeting Behavior. Here’s a hint… it’s a waste of moolah to target based on “predictive marketing.”

Now all you’ve got to do is put in the work and then mesh it all together.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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