That's your whole purpose!

LNL TV Episode #14: You Can’t Be Afraid To Capture The Lead

This is such an important point I’m trying to make in this video. If you are going to be successful in real estate (or in ANY business for that matter) you can not be afraid to “capture the lead” and by capture the lead, I mean to request/require people’s contact information in exchange for “free” information.

LNL TV Episode 14 You Can't Be Afraid To Capture The Lead

You have to stop telling yourself “but they can get this free somewhere else” because if they could, they would have already gotten it free somewhere else and quite frankly, many people are tired of what “free” means. Truly tired of it.

So, if you want to be successful in real estate, you can’t be afraid to capture the lead… (video above)

Want more? Want to rock your real estate business? Get “RE-Freshed!” Your weekly guide to capturing, converting and closing Facebook leads for your real estate business.

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Hey, this is Christina Ethridge with Leads and Leverage. Today, I need to go a little bit deeper on something. A couple of weeks ago, I did two different videos. One was on “Should you require registration on your IDX?” and the other one was on “When you should require registration on your IDX?”. So, if you haven’t seen those, you should go back and watch one of those in that order, that, should you and when. But a lot of the, I guess, negative response that I got from that, there wasn’t hardly any negative response.

But, the negative response that I did get all seems to stem from a fear of wanting to capture the lead. A fear that, if you dare ask for people’s information though, they’ll go somewhere else like Zillow or Realtor. They’ll leave your space, they’ll leave you whatever it is. And, the thing is, you’ve got to stop being afraid to capture the lead. Because you are in, I’m assuming that you’re in real estate to actually make some money. If you’re in it for some altruistic, I have no idea you’re just paying fees and whatever. Then, you’re in the wrong business or you’re just doing it personally and you shouldn’t be watching these videos.

Because, really, what I’m trying to copy here, is to build your business. But, you need to stop being afraid to capture the lead. You need to stop listening to the very few but pretty vocal minor, minor, minority of people that are adamant that Zillow and Realtor are out to. They’re gonna control it all and if you don’t sign up with them and don’t do, whatever, you’re not going to get any leads. And, if you require registration, you’re going to compete or else they’re going to leave your site. They’re all lies! Though, they’re what these people believe, but, they're spouting lies!

Because, fact after fact, after fact and stat, after stat, after stat shows that, when you give something to someone and you ask for something in return, they give it. If they want it, they give it. That’s why places like Boom Town, Tiger Lead, Curator, and all those businesses that charge an arm and a leg, it’s valuable. It’s not. I don’t mean an arm and a leg isn’t bad, but, they charge an arm and a leg for the services because their services work. And, guess what, they require registration for the leads to get the information that they want to get which is home information.

So, here’s the thing, the highest producing agents, the agents that are getting the best leads and the most leads, and the highest quality leads off the internet. Every single one of them is requiring registration. They’re not doing it on hope marketing. They’re not driving traffic to their website and hoping that people are going to fill out their form or hoping people are going to give them their information. Any agents who are doing that, it’s like that they’re not going to have a successful business. And, it doesn’t have to be big to be successful. I’m talking about profitable.

You don’t hate to have a major team. But, the agents that are actually making a profit, that are having a good business from online lead generation, they require registration. They are not afraid to capture the lead, period. It’s really that simple. You cannot be afraid to capture the lead. You have valuable information.

The consumer wants that valuable information. Ask for their contact information in exchange. So, in other words, just don’t be afraid to capture the lead. You just can’t. And, don’t listen to these very few, I mean, one out of a hundred, five out of a million, five out of a thousand people who say that, “Oh no! You can’t do that! You can’t do that!”.

Well, guess what, the people who are successful are doing it. So, if you want to be successful, you need to do it too. And, you can give a lot of stuff away. You can be that giving person and give a lot of stuff away. But, when it comes to certain things, you need to not be afraid to capture the lead. If you have any other questions about this or anything else on regarding Facebook for Real Estate, come over to the Facebook for Real Estate Agents group. Ask your questions away over there and I’ll answer them as they come up. Thanks so much!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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