Understanding word definitions helps

LNL TV Episode #13: What Is The Difference Between A Sponsored Post And An Ad? 

Do you know what the difference is between a sponsored post and an ad?

It can be confusing.

LNL TV Episode 13 What Is The Difference Between A Sponsored Post And An Ad

However, as you’ll soon find out, it’s not as confusing as it may first seem…Here’s the answer… (watch the video above)

Have questions for me? Come on over to the Facebook for Real Estate Agents group and ask!! I’m happy to help you!!LNL TV Episode #13


Hey, this is Christina with Leads and Leverage. Today, I'm coming at you with a question that somebody asked me, they said, “What is the difference between a sponsored post and an ad?” And you know, how you see in your newsfeed? You'll see something comes up and we'll say, “sponsored” on there to sponsored. They're the exact same thing; it's anything that's paid. So whether you boosted a post directly on your page, or you created an ad in Power Editor, Ads Manager…or you used an existing post from your page and pumped it up through Power Editor, Ads Manager, they're the exact same thing. It's really a sponsored, it's a paid endorsement, paid ad.

So, that's the difference between a sponsored post and an ad. You don't actually see the word “post” on anything you'll just see “sponsored”. It's really that simple; so, today was really short. If you have any questions about Facebook for Real Estate, come over to the Facebook for Real Estate Agents, this group, and just ask me, and I will definitely put an episode out for you.

Have a great day!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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