Is it the email platform or is it you?
I’m Christina Ethridge and I help entrepreneurs double their email open rates.
Over in the Email for Entrepreneurs Facebook group, Claudia said:
"I recently made the move from MailChimp to ConvertKit and my open rate took a dive."
I’m sorry to hear this has been a struggle for you Claudia!
First and foremost – It’s not the provider!
Without knowing first hand about your list, I can only tell you why that can happen…
See, when you switch providers, if you start out with any of these and you get immediate low deliverability and opens, it just stacks on top of each other… in other words, your past actions dictate your future results.
So if you’re making a switch from one provider to another, make sure to get these things set up before hand.
And, the biggie…
You’ve got to stop pitching and start serving. This is the foundation to it all.
You have to focus on 1:1 conversations and creating and building relationships with your email community.
If they aren’t opening, it’s because you aren’t trying to have a relationship with them, you’re just trying to talk at them.
Claudia – you’ve got this!