It 100% matters!

Does it really matter how frequently or infrequently that you send emails?

And for that matter, does it matter what day and time that you send your emails?

And when I say matter, does sending too frequently or too infrequently affect your deliverability? Affect your email open rates?

Or does the day and time that you send negatively effect or positively affect your open rates at all? Well, guess what?

Yes, all of those, do.

If you do not send frequently enough, you’re going to have lower deliverability. Lower open rates. Higher report to spam rates. Higher unsubscribe rates. Lower click through rates.

In other words, if you don’t send enough emails, you’re not gonna actually connect with and engage with your email community.

Now this data that I’m sharing comes from the science of nearly 30 billion emails sent.

It matters how frequently or infrequently you send emails. In fact, you need to be sending an email at least once a week to your email community, and that is the minimum once a week.

Not only that, you need to be consistent. It needs to be the same day and time, because consistency and frequency matter in the email algorithms.

Now, the day and time you send that matters, too.

There is a nominal to bigger effect on your deliverability and your open rates when you’re consistent, when you’re frequent and when you send on a certain day and time that people are more likely to open and read your emails.

So science shows that if you send less than four times a month or less than once a week, you’re just gonna have not great deliverability and not great open rates.

It also shows that there are better days and times to send.

Now, I actually put this all together onto the perfect email send schedule for you and I walk you through like, when are the best days and times to send and the ideal frequency, the best day and time to send and the kind of call to action action that you should be using in your emails in this.

But you do need to know that being sporadic being irregular, um, not sending frequently enough that is negatively affecting your deliverability, and your open rates don’t fall prey to what some of these gurus are telling you that it’s okay to just send when you feel like it. Or when you have something valuable you think you should send or whatever.

That is a negative. No, no.

You want to be consistent, and you want to have it every week, and you want to be consistent in the day and time that you send.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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