How do I get them to respond to me?

Recently Judith shared that her struggle is “Trying to figure out what exactly my followers want to see”

So many real estate agents run into the same road block – don’t know what to put out on their Facebook business page and then they resort to hiring a vendor to basically just “make noise” on their page… cause they know they’ve got to do something… they’re just not sure what to do…

Video transcript:

Hi, I’m Christina Ethridge with Leads and Leverage and I help real estate agents sell more houses using Facebook.

Today’s question comes from Judith from our Facebook for real estate agents group.

Judith says “my biggest struggle is trying to figure out what exactly my followers want to see.”

Well Judith, my suspicion is that you have put something out, like maybe you’ve put a post out, or two, or four maybe over time, and you didn’t get any traction on it, and so, you can’t figure out what they want because you don’t have any feedback on those two or four or 10 posts.

Or, you’ve just shoved your listings, your open houses were third party content, like you’ve hired a vendor to put stuff out, and you’re not really getting any engagement, any attraction on that.

Well, here’s the thing, you have to put stuff out for weeks and months.

You have to put out four to six posts per day. Per day, that are not noise makers.

They need to be relevant and interesting and engaging, not just a space filler. The space fillers kill you.

And you have to do that for months. Months.

And then you need to look back at what people are responding to.

You can’t figure this out over a post or two.

You have to do it for months, because it takes months to actually get out into the Facebook world.

Out into the feeds, out into the space where people actually are.

And then you’ve got to make sure that the people you want to reach are seeing what you have and actually like what you have.

So, one of the best ways to do that, I actually have a content posting calendar for you in the link of the description.

And Judith, if you use that, I give you topic idea and things that you should actually be posting on your page.

And you need to be posting four to six times.

You need to use a scheduler, whether it’s Facebook’s or another thing, you need to schedule it so you never stop.

Because, if you stop, it’s like paddling upstream.

If you stop paddling, you end up farther downstream then where you started. It’s exactly the same thing with posting.

If you stop posting, even for a day or two, which usually it’s a week or two for most of us, we stop.

You have to dig out of the negative that you put your page in, by not being out in the algorithm and engaging with people.

So, use this posting calendar.

Definitely look at it, definitely source it, and start putting the stuff up there that are known for people liking and then tweak it based on the responses on your page.

After weeks and months of posting four to six times a day.

Judith, you’ve got this, you can do it.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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