Get the setup of the page correct before you run ads to it.

I know that our first instinct once we create a page is to jump right into getting those page likes.

The thing is, there are a few key elements you must do BEFORE you start driving people to your page. Miss them or mess them up and you’ll negatively affect your page… in other words, you won’t get the leads you want to get.

The first major step that most agents mess up is their page setup. Now, this is NOT your fault. Seriously. Most people don’t know how to setup a Facebook business page for end results. We kind of just jump into it and do it. Then, we wonder why it isn’t working like we hoped.

Ok. Now that you’ve setup your page correctly, - it’s time to start getting page likes… right?


Now it’s time to get your content on your page. Relevant content. Valuable content. Content your future home buying and selling clients need.

I go into this in more detail in this short video: (video above)

Just remember, your focus on your page is not you, it’s your future client. You need to give them a valuable reason why they should connect with your page – which means you’ve got to have good, solid content on the page before you start driving traffic to like your page.



Hey! This is Christina with Leads and Leverage. And, today I’m actually coming at you with a question about page content as it relates to your page like ads. Now targeted, highly targeted page like ads. And, one of the questions was “How much content should be on my Facebook business page before I start running Facebook page like ads?”

Well, the answer is, you should have at least 7 to 10 days of content not backdated. Actually, pushed out on your page daily. You need 4 to 6 pieces of content every single day about every three to four hours. That is the ideal to keep it in the news feed, to keep it fresh. But now, I’m not just stuck in your listings or your open houses. In fact, I’m not talking about that at all.

Your content needs to be relevant. It needs to be something that the consumer, the home-buying home selling consumer, is actually interested in. Not national level, local level. Now, there are things, it doesn’t have to be super local, but it has to be individual local. And, here’s what I mean by that: you want to put things like, you know, home remodeling, home tours.

Doesn’t have to be local. But, your data and your stats and your information has to be local. So you need content going out about every three to four hours so that people see it about twice a week. Because, that’s usually what happens. And, you need to have your content going 7 to 10 days consecutively before you start running page like ads.

And then, you need to keep your content going. So, use something like Edgar, to keep your content going constantly without you having to really think about it. Don’t ever let it stall. You don’t want it to stall. And, you’re going to get busy especially in real estate. It’s in and out. It fluctuates a lot.

You want that content going whether you aren’t closing 15 deals in a month or you’re closing zero deals in a month. You want it going no matter what your time looks like. So, get your content going and get out there for 7 to 10 days before you start running your highly targeted page like ads. This is Christina with Leads and Leverage.

Thank you so much for listening! Let me know if you have any questions that I can help you with when it comes to capturing, converting and closing Facebook leads.Thank you!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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Post Falls, Idaho 83854

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