Nah, just remove them.

Did you know that Facebook page likes are important?

That they are the determining factor for real estate agents of whether you’ll be successful (or fail) with your Facebook business page?

It’s important to keep your page likes highly targeted and relevant.

So the question comes up… “When removing Facebook page likes on my real estate business page should I ban them?”

Here’s the answer:
(video above)

But, before you start focusing on your page likes, you need to get your Facebook page setup so that it will actually generate real estate leads for you!


Hey! This is Christina with Leads and Leverage. And, a question that I get asked a lot and I actually just got asked this again this week inside my membership..(One of the..) Actually a couple of the members were asking “You know, when we’re removing page likes from our page, do we just remove them or do we ban them?” Now, let me go backwards.

It’s the question I’m actually asked to answer. But, if you don’t understand why you would remove page likes from your page, let me just give you a really brief overview. Your Facebook business page is actually a conduit. It is a conduit from Facebook into your database. And, if you are not actually treating that conduit with the importance that it deserves.

For example, by having a lot of detrimental page likes on there that are not people who would actually use your services. Maybe your colleagues around the country or the world or people completely out of your area. Then, you’ve got a problem. It’s going to cost you a lot of money to advertise to them and it’s going to kind of be worthless.

Because, a lot of agents treat their Facebook business page like a destination. Like a website destination when it’s not. It is just a slide. It’s a conduit. It’s a funnel into your database. So, with that said, you want to make sure that the page likes that you have on your business page are beneficial page likes.

I call them beneficial versus detrimental. That there are actually people in your market who are in your target nature. In your target market that are actually a possibility to utilize your services. Not referrals, not agents were possibly going to give you referrals. But, actual people in your art market who would potentially use your services. Alright.

So, with that said, one of the questions is, “When we remove detrimental page likes, do we ban them from our page?” So, here’s the answer. There's a kind of a two-step answer. First of all, if you’re just removing detrimental page likes, no. I wouldn’t ban them from your page. Just remove them. Most people are not even going to notice. However, if you’ve got that persistent colleague or two.

Or, persistent people who just keep coming back to your page, the second or third time that you need to remove them? Ban them from your page. That way it just makes it easier. But, you don’t need to ban everybody. Now, if they’re spammers, ban them from your page. Absolutely.

But, in general, you don’t need to ban people that you’re removing from your Facebook business page. Alright! This is Christina with Leads and Leverage. If you want more information down below the video.. (To the side..) I don’t know where it is.

It’s somewhere. There’s more information. There’s more things to learn. A whole lot more to learn. Have an awesome day!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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