If you don't understand the strategy before outsourcing, you're throwing money into a never ending fire pit.

Every week I host the #RIBBIT show on Facebook. It’s a Facebook live stream where I answer questions you’ve sent me. Questions focused on helping you leverage Facebook (and other lead generation sources) to build your real estate database and ultimately, build your business.

One phrase I hear all the time is the “I’m not techie” phrase.

I really just have to shake my head at this one – it’s said so often, by so many agents, that I’ve come to believe it’s just a phrase parroted around without any thought behind it.

There’s more. A whole lot more. Watch this short #RIBBIT show episode for more… (video above)

The key to the answer is understanding that no one is born techie. Being “techie” is a matter of learning, not a matter of being. Every single person who does anything tech related, has learned it.

Often, the very next statement that follows the “I’m not techie” is the one that says “I have ‘real estating’ to do, not tech stuff to learn.”

Funny. I thought you were building a business, which means you have a whole lot of learning to do. Learning about lead generation. Learning about lead conversion. Learning about building your database.If you use the “I’m not techie” excuse, I want to challenge you on it. You have the ability to learn. Everyone does. The key is knowing what to spend your time learning.To that end, here’s a first step for you “untechie” real estate agents.


Hello! And, welcome to another episode of the Ribbit Show! I'm Christina Ethridge. We're here with you from Leads and Leverage. I'm excited to be with you guys again. It's been a while. So, I am back every Monday at 2:00 PM Pacific time. I will be doing a Ribbit Show with you. Today! And first of all, today, I want to talk about something I got in the email. And, this person said, “I'm not techie. Can I just outsource this all?”

I'm going to get to that. I want to talk to you about it. I want to talk to you about the email that was sent to me and the thought process behind it. And, my response! First, I want you to comment. Let me know that you're here.

If you're watching this on replay, if you're watching this live.. Just let me know that you're here. I’d love to know that you're here and that I can help you. So, here's the email I got. I'm just going to quote.. I'm not going to quote it. I'm going to paraphrase it. The person had gone through or purchased the Facebook's page set up strategy workshop that I have. And, before going through the workshop.. It's a series of 10 videos, super short. They're like two to four minutes each. And, I’ll just walk you through how to set up your Facebook business page.

I'll put a link on here if you're interested. Anyway, she sent me an email. And she said, “You know, I'm not techie. I just need to.. Can I just outsource this all?” And, I thought, “What? This is not tech.” There's no tech involved in this.

It's just a matter of putting things in the right places. My husband used a really good analogy that I taught. I'm like “Why do people keep thinking that they're not techie?” First of all, why do they keep thinking that this is techie? It's just on Facebook. And so, he used a really good analogy that I'm going to use here.

To talk to you guys about this. So she said, “I'm not techie.” And so, the reason why she's not techie, she doesn't want to do any of it. She just wants somehow Facebook to magically generate leads for her. This is a lot of agents. This might even be you.

So here's what it is. If you drive a car and.. (You know, so it's like this..) Thinking that, if you're not mechanical? You can't drive a car. It's the exact same thing. There are elements of techiness and then there's elements of being a mechanic.

I mean.. (Gosh..) If you need to change the oil, you don't need to be a mechanic right here. Hey guys! Sorry, I'm having some internet issues. So, the thing was.. (With this..) That, if you're a mechanic.. I guess only mechanics are allowed to drive cars.

So apparently, only people who are techie are allowed to use Facebook. There's a difference. I mean.. Obviously, if you're going to change the oil in the car, you don't have to be mechanical. But, you kind of need to know what you're doing to that point. But, if you're just going to drive a car, you just need to know how to drive the car.

You need to know where the things are that you need. And, that's why we have little warning lights. If we're not mechanical to let us know, “Hey, I need to see a mechanic.” Well, Facebook's the same way. Facebook is one of those things where you don't need to be techie.

If you walk through the Facebook page set up strategy.. You guys, it's just going to walk you through the pieces that you need to set up. There's no tech involved. There's literally.. you have to do some work on your own. Like gather some testimonials and maybe get some links from your website. Things like that.

That's not techie. So, I really want to challenge you guys. If you're kind of struggling with this or you have this, “Well, I'm not techie.” Well, first of all, I want to challenge your mindsets. I'm not asking you to go out and code the space shuttle or code a rocket. Or, you know, do all that kind of stuff.

This is not the same thing. That's first of all. But second of all, I want to challenge you with your mindset. When you say that you are not something? You will always not be that something. So, I want to challenge you with how, the worst of all, the words that you talk to yourself with.

So, I'm not techie. Instead of saying, “I'm not techie” just say, “Hey, you know what? I can do this. I can learn anything.” Everything is figureout-able okay. It's all in layers. I'm not asking you to go code and write and create Facebook.

I'm asking you to go put your information in a place on Facebook that they've given you to do that. So, definitely think about the words that you're using.. Your mindset. And, the words that you're using for yourself. The other piece of this is, remember, you don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car. You don't have to be techie to use Facebook.

It's not that hard. We get overwhelmed. Absolutely! Because there's a lot being thrown at us. But, really, it's because there's a lot being thrown at us from a lot of directions and a lot of different philosophies or a lot of different ways. People suggest that you use Facebook. So that can be overwhelming, but that's not the techie stuff. I just wanted to let you guys know.

It's not about being techie. In fact, this is like the least techie of anything that you can do. It's like typing a post on Facebook. That's it! You just got to learn a little bit of stuff. Not coding, not other stuff.

Just kind of learn a little bit. Okay? So.. Hey Gary! Hey Donna! See you guys popping in. Hi, Yvonne! Yeah, Gary, you're right. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Absolutely.

(I wanted to actually..) I think part of it too is kind of the mindset that we get. We just assumed anything related to anything online is techie stuff and it's not. It just happens to be on a computer desktop. I'm pointing to my computer desktop which helps you. But, (I'm..) it happens to be a computer desktop versus a desk desktop.

So.. First of all, when you say that I'm not techie, you're making an excuse. Don't talk to yourself like that. Tell yourself you can figure it out. Talk to yourself about the way you can. “Yeah, I can do this! I can figure it out.

I can do what I need to do.” You learn how to drive a car? You can learn how to set up your Facebook business page. (It is really..) It's way easier than driving a car. I promise. The second thing is, a lot of agents talk about when they say that.. (They're really kind of using the excuse that..) “You know, I need to just outsource everything.

I shouldn't be doing that. That's not part of real estate-ing. I shouldn't be doing that.” So, here's the thing that's very interesting. We've had multiple businesses throughout my life. And, I could always tell you the businesses that were going to fail and the businesses that were going to succeed based on one thing.

And, I know this is going to sound funny. But, that one thing was how willing was the owner to do.. To clean the toilets. And, I know that's going to sound funny. But, when you're starting a business, especially real estate and you're bootstrapping it.. Meaning, you don't have a big capital behind you.

You don't have a lot of money behind you. You're never a little bit of money behind you. How willing are you to do all of the things that you need to do? That needs to be done to build up business? Well, that includes things that you think you should be outsourcing. You can't compare yourself to an established agent who is closing 40, 50, 60 transactions or more a year.

You're a brand new agent or you're under 10 transactions a year. You need to do what you need to do and that includes cleaning the toilets. And in this case, it includes actually putting the information in and doing your own Facebook business page. So, that's an element I can always tell if a business was going to succeed or not. How well they manage their funds.

So, they try to outsource everything at the beginning. Or, did they really just put that time and effort and drive and the grind into it? And, do all the things that maybe they didn't love to do but needed to be done as they grew their business. That's what happens. And, (you know that's pretty..) That's really the kind of those two things.

The “I'm not techie”. How we talk to ourselves. You don't need to be techie to set up a Facebook business page. You don't need to be a mechanic to drive a car. And, how willing are you to actually grow your business? So, that's it.

That’s all I have, that really super short one today. If you have questions, I'll answer them. I'll wait about 15, 20 seconds to answer any questions on here. But otherwise, that's my topic for today and I have another one coming next week. It's going to be doozy. It actually is somebody who responded to an ad that I was running.

He didn't respond to me. He put it on the ad itself and presume to know a whole bunch of stuff about me or about my business. (Or, about.. Whatever.) Or, about other agents. And, I'm going to actually share that in a ribbit show next week. Because, I think it needs to be shared.

It was kind of the attitude of “I know it all”. (So I'm.. Awesome.) We'll talk about that next week. Any other questions you guys? Martha, Mary, Jerry, hi guys! This is a short one. I want to keep the ribbit shows pretty focused.

If you have questions, you can send them to me at christina@leadsandleverage.com. Just put #ribbit in the subject line and I'll get you in. Awesome, you guys! I cannot wait. I'm opening the new membership site tonight to my beta testers that are inside the membership. I cannot wait to get that to you!

And, I know there's a few of you on here. You've been like following me around on all the trainings I'm doing today. “Christina, when am I going to get in?” Tonight. Tonight! Kim, Jerry, Martha, Mary, Gary.. All you guys. I love you guys.

Alright! So, no more questions. It was super fast. I'm going to see you next week at two o'clock. Checking the time, two o'clock Pacific time. Be it 10 or 15 minutes.

Super short ribbit shows. All your questions or thoughts or things that come at you. Talk to you guys later! Talk to you later, guys!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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