How do I get Facebook leads to respond to me?

Over in our Facebook for Real Estate agents group Elizabeth said “My Facebook leads aren’t responding to my messages – how do I get them to respond?”

It can be frustrating when someone responds to and opts-in to one of your Facebook ads… only to have them ignore you when you email them, even ignoring the very thing they opted in to get!

But here’s the thing… most of the time, it’s not them, it’s you. Yes, you. When you aren’t running your ads to the right people (to start) and then you’re trying to get them to go from a simple request for a basic thing to “come into my office and let’s chat”… you’re killing any chance of success!

You must understand their journey and connect and engage with them in the right order… micro-steps so to speak.

Here’s more detail:


Hi! I’m Christina with Leads and Leverage and I help real estate agents sell more houses using Facebook.

Today’s question comes from Elizabeth from our Facebook for Real Estate Agents group. Elizabeth says, “I’ve got people filling out a form, a lead form for my list of homes and then never responding to my messages or even opening up the link to the homes” And so she’d like to know how do I get people to do that? How do I get people to engage.

Well first of all, it’s better if you’re running your ads to a warm audience. So if you don’t know what that is you need to set up your page and connect with people that way and then run your ads to that. That will get more people to open up your messages and filling out your forms and engaging that way.

That’s number one and there is a link to the Facebook page setup checklist in the description of this video.

But then why are people never responding. Well it’s probably because of what you’re sending. So you’re thinking too far ahead in the steps.

When somebody fills out a lead form for a list of homes you need to make sure that you give that to them in a way, like once they give you their email address, that you email it to them in a way that they can quickly and easily look at it. And you need to make sure that you’re not going “hey do you want to see one.”

Don’t push them into an appointment don’t push them into a showing don’t push them there. That’s not where they’re at. They’re just curious they’re just looking and so you need to make sure that your messages to them and your emails to them are not like stalkery but they’re consistent and that you’re constantly moving through the journey.

And what does that mean? Hey, the next email that goes out to them after they get the list of homes: “hey did you get the list?” Another email could be “did you have any problems opening it up or accessing it” or whatever etc etc etc and you keep going on it because it’s all about that piece it’s not about the appointment at this point.

So you need to be building that relationship with them. That is your number one focus when it comes to that.

Additionally you have to give it time and you have to be consistently emailing them every single week. We’ve had people on our email list for over well that have activated within that took 54 months to get them to actually have a transaction. We’ve got people on our list who have been on our list for 15 years and they’ve never done transaction with us but they’re consistent every once in a while every couple months they open something they look they’ve also given us referrals.

So really all of this is about follow up over the long haul and not a constant sell. You need to be giving them value and that means helping them use the tools that you’re giving to them. Showing them how amazing the tools are. Showing them different things. Not pressuring them into buying.

So that could really be that could be the key difference in what’s going on in your leads that are coming in.

But the number one thing that you need to be doing is running your ads to warm audiences so they’re more receptive. So set your page up the right way and then you start bringing it running your ads and bringing in leads good luck Elizabeth!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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