Did you know that there is actually one simple hack that you can do that will have at least half of your 2020 emails written and scheduled in less than an hour. Oh, yeah. One hack.
There is one condition that you have to have before this hack will work. But that's what we're gonna talk about today.
I'm Christina Ethridge, and I help entrepreneurs double their email open rates. And you're watching today's episode of The #RIBBIT Show.
Welcome. I'm so excited that you're here. I am really loving being here with you guys every single week every Tuesday at 11 a.m. Pacific loving it loving be part of it.
And here's the thing that I want you guys to be aware of. If you want to make sure that you do not miss out on a show, just type the word show in the comments and I'll make sure that I send you a notice each week via messenger. Right when I go live.
All ya gotta do is click on it and you can join me. So don't miss out on another show, but we're gonna talk about how to get that, how to get that stuff done.
How to get those emails done for this year.
The reason that I wanted to talk about this today is because what's really interesting about January and this happens every single year for me in January, every year without fail. This happens.
I kind of go through this desire to clean, to purge, to organize, to get as much done for my year as possible, especially stuff that could automate stuff that I could just go ahead and leverage and not have to think about later.
So my question for you is Do you also go through that same, that same process?
Do you go through, um, feeling the same way about that? Like when the tree is taken down, the decorations are all taken down? Oh my goodness, do I, then, like, I just want to get the house cleaned.
I just want to be done with everything. I'm trying to get to the, so I can see your comments. I just want to be done with everything, and that's what kind of inspired this. I want things and surfaces cleaned. I want as much stuff that I don't have to do.
Um, every single day, I want it, like, done and completely set aside. So let me explain,
For example, for example, one of the things that I do I like to have my mornings as efficient as possible.
What I mean by that is I don't want to think a lot in the mornings. I just want to jump right into my most important things every morning.
And so I am always looking at my morning routine, and I'm like, Okay, what can I actually put into the evening?
Like, what could I do the night before? What can I actually do kind of in bulk or batch it in bulk. So I only have to do it once or twice a week, etc.
And because my morning routine, you know, you probably have heard of the miracle morning and things like that. If you've heard of the Miracle morning, let me know in the comments below because the miracle morning, I mean, I read it, I liked it. I tried to follow up, but it was just like,
Okay, this is a lot of stuff that just doesn't fit into the time that I have and into my morning. And when I get up I can't jump right into this because I've got a dog that needs to go out right away. I've got cats who want food right away, especially when I'm the first person up.
Because, yes, I'm the first person up but that's what happens. And so I created my own miracle morning. I created my own morning routine, but through that, one of the things that I need to do, this is just an example to give you an idea of a little bit of batching,
Um, one thing that I have to do is I have to feed the cats in the morning. And so I wanted to make sure that, um I didn't have to do a lot of thought. Like, we have cats that are on medicine. We've got cats that have special food. We have like, anyway, so I was like, well, what can I do?
And I realized that I could actually make several days of their food at once in the middle of the day somewhere, and then I just pull it out in the morning and feed them because I don't just give our cats dry kibbles If we just did that.
that'd be super easy. That doesn't happen in our house anyway, so I'm always looking at the things that I can do in batch and do whatever.
So that's one of the things that really inspired today's show was learning how to batch, leverage, things that we already have, etc.
So the one simple hack that gets half of your 2020 emails written and scheduled in less than an hour… This is what I want you to do.
I want you, if you have, now here's the condition. You have to have been sending emails and I'm not talking sales emails.
I'm talking a weekly relationship focused email. You need to have been sending that, all right, in order to do this hack.
So if you haven't been doing that, do that so you can do this hack next year. All right?
So go back through the emails that you sent in 2019. Go back through those emails, go look through them like once a week.
That's 52 emails to go through, go through, look for things that are evergreen emails. And by evergreen,
I mean things that, like, you know, you weren't talking about a launch or you weren't talking about.
Um uh, you know, a new book that you're just, that's coming out or you weren't talking about a specific event. it's an evergreen.
It was, it had a touch of personal. It had a touch of business in it. And it's something you can continue to run this year.
Go back through. Look for your evergreen emails that you can slightly modify and use them again in 2020.
So you have 52 weeks of emails. You should be able to use at least half of those emails.
But here's what you need to do with that. Number one. You should not just use them in order,
like you shouldn't just pop them in your 1st 26 weeks. If you can use half. Number one, you need to go through and you need to make sure to slightly change the subject line like test a new subject line. Slightly
change the text in, um, the, uh, the text in the the bodies of paragraphs. Um,
slightly changed that the first couple words because if you don't do that these emails, if they're sent again
If you don't change your subject line and add these different changes to the paragraphs. They're just gonna be threaded in Gmail.
And you don't want to do that, so slightly, change it and then go ahead and schedule every other week.
So if you found 26 emails that you can send again in 2020 schedule them every other week, leaving the off weeks or the opposite weeks for you to create a new email.
And as you're creating your new emails, think about the future. Think about the future, evergreenness of them.
Because when you do that, you're gonna build up this this batch of emails, you can send. And let me tell you what I'm doing.
I've got six years of emails that I have sent on the real estate side of Leads and Leverage.
And so I'm going through those emails. I'm making sure that, yes, this is still true. Whatever it is that the personal piece is still interesting that I'm not talking about my 12 year old kids when they're now 17 18 20.
So I'm making sure that it's relevant to today because I want people to get to know me. Um,
the me that's alive and well now and then also, I'm making sure that whatever I'm talking about, business wise is relevant that I'm not,
You know, I'm not talking about something that that's changed. And if it's changed, I talked about the change,
so that's what you want to do. You want to do that. And here's the thing. After six years of,
um, content, the emails that I've sent, I've got a couple of years of emails that I could send over and over and over again.
This helps you not have to rewrite as long as the personal information the personal stuff that you're giving is relevant as long as what you're training on is relevant as long as you still have the blog up or the training up or whatever it is you're giving up as long as the tech that your training is still relevant,
relevant. So I don't use any of my tech videos because Facebook changes constantly. Okay, um, tech stuff.
I don't use the tech stuff because it depends on platform that you're using, but I do use anything related to strategy.
I do use anything related to consistency to batching to productivity. All those things, right, so That's what you want to do.
That's how you want to do it. Hi, Susan. Hi, Richard. Hi, Cindy. Hi,
Mila. Hi, you guys. Here's another thing, too. If you guys want the, um,
let me make sure I've got this right. If you want the transcripts from today and any downloads and handouts that I talk about,
you can just type handout in the comments below, and I will send that to you. You're gonna have to go over to messenger and confirm and
I'll email that to you. Well, it's gonna take me two days to get these transcripts and handout and stuff together because,
you know, I have to have it transcribed, but you can get it. So you wanna look at every time you're doing something?
One of the reasons. Okay, One of the reasons I named my business Leads and Leverage is because all businesses need leads.
All businesses need leads. But what we really fail to do in our businesses is the leverage we need to be able to leverage things that we've already done or something that we're going to be doing.
We need to be able to learn how to look at something so we can leverage it more than once. So we're not just spinning our wheels and wasting our time and just creating one off stuff.
Now that's gonna happen. But you don't want the bulk of what you're doing to be one off. So that's why.
And so we're gonna talk about That's why we're talking about leverage today, especially when it comes to your emails,
because so many of you all are like I don't know what to say. I have a hard time writing.
I have a hard time sending I have a hard time coming up with ideas. Well, guys, like literally,
if you can come up with 52 emails this year, next year you could repeat 26 of them.
Now you have, Like I said, you've got to make the changes that I talked about a few minutes ago.
You've got to make those changes. That's a priority. But again, you do that. You got 26 done and then you only have to come up with 26 the next year.
Then the next year, then, eh? So it's really you're really cutting back your work, and that's the point when you're building something.
The goal is to build and layer and build and layer build and layer so that, all the pieces work with each other,
etc. So that's what we're talking about. Hi, Isabella. How are you guys today? So thanks for joining me today,
Talking about how to leverage emails that you have previously written and use them again in 2020. So the simple hack that gets half of your 2020 emails written and schedule in less than an hour and yeah,
really less than an hour, like you could pull those up. It doesn't take more than a couple of seconds to scan through your email just to confirm that the content is correct and still accurate.
And then to duplicate that email, make a couple changes and schedule it, that's it. That's all it takes.
So that's what I want you guys to look at and do, especially if you've got content. If you've already got content written,
you've already got emails written. This is a huge thing. This is a huge way to leverage.
Your everything, your time, everything like that. So definitely, definitely be thinking about that as you're doing that.
Welcome, everybody that is joining us. If you want to make sure that you don't miss the first portions of the live streams?
If you want to be notified and not rely on Facebook notifications, just go ahead and type show. In the comments below,
I'm gonna be sending out an event reminder via messenger each week. So you that you can come to the live show, and so that's pretty much what we're talking about today.
And so I have a question. For those of you who are on with me right now, I'm curious.
And I know a lot of you are probably going to be saying no on this, but I'm curious.
Or how how many emails do you think you have in your email reservoir or archives that you've sent that you could probably look at, revise, and use again this year?
How many do you think you're gonna have? I mean, how many do you think you have? Like I said,
I've got six years of emails, so I know I've got probably a solid two years worth of emails that I can revise and send for next year.