Don't waste time and money with the wrong quiz funnel!

Recently, I was coaching a client who came to me with this struggle. She had recently run a quiz funnel and she had really, she'd gotten 1400 people in that funnel.

And she was so excited because like, "They're my people, I love this, but here's my dilemma, Christina. My open rate with these people has dropped to 4% and she's averaging 30 to 40% on her other emails. But this group of people, not so much."

Now, I went through a process to help evaluate this, and she happens to be an author who lives in Ireland. She writes young adult fantasy that takes place all over Ireland.

And so she was like, "Yeah, I did a 'How Irish are you?' quiz." And I thought, "Huh."

So I started asking her some questions. I said, "Well, who's your buyer who buys your book?" She's like, "Well, everyone." I go, "Well, no, no. When you look at your data and you have all of these things showing who your main buyer is like, who, which one? Where are they? What do they look like, the majority of your buyers?"

And she said, "Well, my buyers are American. And they are avid readers. And they're between this age and this age."

And I went, "Okay, I can tell you right now. I know why your quiz funnel didn't work for you." She was like, "Why?" And I said, "Because you were drawing out just people who are Irish, how Irish are you - really simple? Right? You're just drawing out people who are interested in their heritage, who are Irish."

She goes, "But I have Irish readers."

And I explained, "No, but you just told me that the buyers of your books, most of them are American. That doesn't mean they're not American Irish, but most of them are American. So what percentage of those people who are your buyers are actually interested in determining how Irish they are?"

It took her a bit to get through that. So in other words, she had set up a quiz funnel that was great, if you have an Irish store or an Irish product line or something that really resonates with people who are of Irish heritage.

But, she's an author. And just because her books take place in Ireland doesn't mean that that's who her ideal buyer is. That doesn't mean that's the majority of her buyers. So, that's where she went wrong. I walked her through the process to evaluate what she did versus what she would have done.

Now, I want to make sure that you don't make this same mistake. So we're going to go over the four things that you need to do before you run that quiz funnel. And I'm telling you, you lose hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

She lost 100% of the money that she put into it. And the time she put into it, she had to completely restart, revamp, so she lost all of that. So I want to make sure that you're doing it the right way.

Here are the four things you need to nail before you run that quiz funnel so that you have a successful, list building quiz funnel.

1. know who your ideal person is that you want to attract to the quiz.

Now, whatever product you have, whatever business you have, you might be able to sell to everyone. But you have one set group of ideal buyers. You need to make sure that you know who those people are.

In her case, it was Americans who are avid readers of fantasy. That was her ideal person. But her quiz funnel was "How Irish are you?" People who are interested in their heritage, people who are interested, they may have nothing related to reading, which most of them didn't in this case, doesn't mean they didn't read, but they weren't her buyer. They weren't interested in young adult fantasy that took place in Ireland.

So you need to know who your ideal person is that you want to attract to the quiz.

Another example of this, just to give you an idea is at the theater that I help volunteer for, we have two ideal clients. We have our patrons who buy our tickets, and the performers who are on our stage. And so we know where they each hang out, what social channels they hang out on, what the basic demographics are for both of those people, what the basic interests are for both of those people. You need to know that about your person when you're doing this quiz funnel.

2. you need to know the struggle that they're having and how it connects to the quiz that you're creating.

So in her case, the struggle that that person would be having would be finding more authors or books that they like to read in the genre that they like to read. That would be kind of their struggle.

She needs to know the struggle that her ideal person is having and how it connects to the quiz that she's creating.

That's what you need to know as well.

3. know the solution that you have for them and how the quiz relates to the problem and brings them one step closer to the solution.

So what's the solution that you have that you want to guide them to through your quiz funnel?

Yes, you're using this as a list builder. Yes, you're using this to find your people that are going to buy whatever it is that you have to sell.

But, in order to really make that connection, you need to figure out if you have a solution. So for her, her solution was I have these books that you're going to like that you're going to love reading. So that was her solution - giving them the entertainment that they need.

The point is, is that you need to know the solution that you have for them and how the quiz relates to the problem that they have that brings them that much closer to the solution.

4. know the next step that they need after they take your quiz.

So think open loop, think problem --> solution, and every solution creates another problem. So problem --> solution and from the solution, there's another problem. And from that problem, there's a solution. And from that solution, there's another problem. So you need to know the next step that they're going to take.

Why? Here's where I'm going to give you a bonus tip, I'm going to walk you through, how do you connect with them after you brought them into your list?

So they go through the quiz funnel and you nail their problem. You give them a solution through that, and then what's the next problem for them?

That's when you're going to meet them, that's where you're going to start connecting with them via email, because they're now a member of your list. So when someone opts into your quiz funnel, your next step is to send them emails that they'll open, read and respond to, but they need to connect to that quiz that you just gave, that problem --> solution that you just gave.

So what's the next step? What's the next micro-step? What's the next piece?

I've created the perfect email templates that you're going to be emailing them. And I want to make emails so much easier for you. So the email that you send to them, once they've done the quiz and you send that email, that email is shaped and has the right content in it, that they're going to open, read and respond - because that is what you want.

That was part of our author's struggle above. She didn't have the right people on her list and since they're the wrong people, they weren't opening reading, responding. But, when she got the right people on her list, she was ready to start thinking about how to engage them and getting them to respond back.

So, that is what you need this template for. So let's review our 4 must-haves really fast.

  1. Know who your ideal person is that you want to attract to the quiz.
  2. Know their struggle and how your quiz connects to that struggle
  3. Know the solution your quiz provides to bring them one step closer to their goal
  4. Know the next step they have to take after finishing your quiz

These are the four steps. Let me know in the comments below, if this helped you, if it didn't, what's your number one takeaway. I'm always looking for the takeaway, and the comment section is great for that.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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