Because they like what that page is posting. Duh!

LNL TV Episode #10: Why would anyone want to ‘like’ a REALTOR Facebook Page?

Have you ever wondered this?

Has it held you back from using Facebook for your real estate business?

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I answer this question in today’s episode.

Why is it that some people make the leap from “the real world” to the “online social world” so easily and others struggle with it?

It’s because we see ourselves as one-dimensional and we see our clients as one-dimensional.

Start seeing yourself as a holistic service provider. You don’t simply “sell houses.”

Here’s more… (watch the video above)

You can turn your Facebook business page into a lead generating machine, and it all starts with how you have your page setup.



Hey there! This is Christina with Leads and Leverage. Today, I’m coming to you with a question that somebody actually asked me. An agent asked me and it makes a lot of sense why this question would be, kind of, out there. And, I know that a lot of people have this question. Maybe, even you do.

So the question is, “Why would anyone want to like, you know, like a Realtor Facebook business page?" And, I know that’s been running through your brain. And, I know people are going right through your brain. Here’s the deal, consumer or people, first of all. Serious high quality lead generation is a series of micro commitments that build a relationship, okay? And, a Facebook page is a micro commitment. That’s first.

So, you understand that, they first start there. They like then you get them into your email database. You do some ads towards them, whatever it is. But, a Facebook page like is a micro commitment. Now, there’s a lot of assumptions with this answer that I’m going to give you. There’s a lot of assumptions.

First of all, the people that you’re getting to like your page are actually people who are going to use your services. I’m not talking about asking your family and, you know, Timbuktu or your colleagues. Or, people in your office to like your page. This is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about targeted people who are in your market and who want to either buy or sell whatever
you’re focusing on, one or both, that are old enough to sign a contract.

Who has the income to buy or sell whatever your market target is, all that kind thing. I’m talking about people who actually have the capability of using your services, first of all. So, just remember, high quality lead generation is a series of micro commitments that builds a relationship. So, here’s the thing, people don’t like your page because they like you. Now, some do. However, I’m talking about people that don’t know you, okay?

They don’t come to like your page because they like you. It’s just, that’s right! They don’t! However, they like your page because of what you offer them at that moment. So, in other words, a nebulous help in the future transaction isn’t compelling or interesting enough to get them to like you. What can you give them now? Say, they’re two months out before making a commitment.

What can you get people who are two months out before making a commitment? What can you give them that’s not self-promotional, you know? Why you should use a realtor? Well, quite frankly, why you should use a realtor? They’re all written by realtors! And, the consumer knows this.

And, even if they’re not written by realtors, The Chemist pretty much gets it. It’s a self sales pitch. Don’t do that kind of crap. Give them stuff they actually know. If some of these two months out from potentially buying a house, what do you think they’re thinking about right now? Neighborhoods? Maybe they think about, “Well, I don’t know what neighborhood I want”, or you know, “What features do I really want to make sure I have it in my house?”

Or, “Hey, do I even qualify? How do I know what kind of things that I do?” So, this is why consumers like your business page. Because, you’re giving them answers to things they don’t even realize are questions. Most of the time, they don’t know they have that question. But, when you give it to them, and you give them the answer, say, “Hey, are you wondering? You know, are you a couple months out from buying a house? What do you do? How do you prep yourself? What’s your credit look like?” You know, things like that. All of those things that might be going through their mind before they even contact a realtor or a mortgage broker, banker, whoever. Mortgage lender? So, before they even do that, they’re wondering these things.

Because, number one, they don’t want to embarrass themselves if they don’t qualify. They don’t want to embarrass themselves with their bad credits. You can answer all these questions for them and give it to them. What if they’re two years out from buying a house? What are they looking at? What are they thinking about?

How much do I have to save? How much of a down payment? What’s it gonna cost me? You know, “Should I be working on certain things to build my credit even more?” You know, “Oh, I just started a business, how’s that gonna affect me?” These are people that are all about two years out.

What about people who are four years out? You need to be the source of information and not just, “Here’s information”. You need to be pulling in their questions. You need to be in their brain answering their questions before they ask them. Now, something we’re going to actually ask them. But, use those questions, like, I’m doing right here right now.

Use those questions to answer them for people who aren’t asking them out loud. Be that source and, you know, share your community. Share what it’s like to live in your community, lifestyles, things like that. That is why people will like your page. Because, you have something that you’re giving to them in exchange for that like.

So, that’s why, no, they’re not just going to arbitrarily like a person. Or, they might if they’ve used you, or they know you. They might click like. You know that’s not what you want. You want people who are actually interested in the process or interested in what you have. If there’s people who bought from you and, you know, maybe they just bought a house from you and there’s no intention that they’re gonna sell.

Well, you need to serve those people too. What are the spring tips that you need to do for your new house? How much do you need to keep in savings for your maintenance period? You know, all those things like that. You want referrals from those people and the way to do that is to serve them. Serve them!

Answer their questions, appeal to their needs. All that kind of stuff. That is why people will like your page. So, if you focus on keeping your page likes targeted. Get off all those realtor friends! You can take them off.

I have how to’s, how to do that. Get them off your page. Anybody who’s not an actual physical being who can taint, you know, legally sign a contract so they need to be of age. Who have the income to sign a contract. If you know in your market that no 18 year old can buy, unless, they’re independently wealthy.  And, like, one out of a million is, just assuming, crazy stats.

But let’s go with those. Then, you need to be in a higher dimmer age demographic. If you know that most people buying in your market, say, first-time home buyers are 25 to 32. Then, target that demographic. That’s who you need to be. So, keep the untargeted people off your page, take them off.

Focus on the targeted people. And, remember, high quality lead generation is a series of micro commitments. A page like is a micro commitment. You’ve got them one step closer. And then, you can go from there. Because, page likes, convert.

If they’re targeted and if you do it right. This is Christina with Leads and Leverage and go ahead and ask me your questions below this video. Wherever you’re watching it, YouTube, my Leads and Leverage site, or Facebook. Where you’re asking, just ask me more questions and I’ll answer them to you over the next few weeks. Have a great day!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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