Here's the transcript:
Over in the Email for Entrepreneurs Facebook group, Carolyn said her struggle is…
"knowing when to “sell” them on my products"
Thanks for your question Carolyn!
There are actually 2 ideal ways to do this (and yes, you should have both happening in different funnels into your list).
The first way is when you have a freebie that people opt-into, they get the freebie via email and then they go right on your main list and that main list gets a weekly email that does not sell.
It makes a connection and gives value.
Then, every 6 weeks or so, you invite them into a launch / sell list (by offering them a freebie that solves a problem).
Then, you sell in the sell list for a period of time.
Whether it’s a full launch or a flash sale, doesn’t matter. It’s just a period of time (like a week) to that sell list.
The other way is by having people when they first opt-in to a freebie, go right to what is commonly called a “trip-wire” on the thank you page of the freebie.
If they purchase that “trip-wire” then they go right to your core offer on the thank you page of the “trip-wire.”
The key is that whether they purchase or not at any of these steps, they still go to your main list where you’re sending a weekly connection focused email.
Both of these funnels rely on the weekly connection email and a good lead magnet delivery sequence.
That said, start with the simplest one which is a freebie to build your list, the email sequence to deliver that freebie and a solid weekly connection email.
Add on complexity and layers as you move forward in your business.
You’ve got this Carolyn!