Focus on engaging people, not broadcasting your listings

A lot of discussion goes on surrounding what you should be posting on your real estate Facebook page.  The problem is, that discussion is nearly always focused on the type of content, not the content itself.

For example, text posts or link posts, video posts or photo posts.

Then the discussion continues on and on ad nauseum about which gets more engagement.

Good grief.

Wouldn’t you think the more valuable discussion should be surrounding the content of the your posts, not how they are delivered?

If you are focused on providing value to your fans, you’ll focus on what the content contains, not how the content is delivered.

In order to provide phenomenal value, to nurture raving fans, you need to share these 5 things on your Facebook page . . .

1. You should be sharing a plethora of photos.

Photos of your niche area to be exact.  Do you specialize in a neighborhood or geographical location?  Here are some photo ideas . . .

  • Take photos of the houses showing your fans the variety of homes in that neighborhood.
  • Take photos of the streets in the neighborhood and surrounding community, giving your fans solid ideas of what the neighborhood looks like, what business may be there, how people maintain their yards, etc.  Make sure to take seasonal photos and share according to the seasons.
  • Take photos of the neighborhood entrances, the signs, etc.  People really want to get an overall feeling of the area.
  • Take photos of public areas such as parks, marinas, boat launches, public buildings, etc.
  • Take photos of your favorite businesses, coffee houses, wine bars, restaurants, etc.  Share with everyone why you love the area.

In other words, take photos.  Of everything.  All the time.  Even if you’ve taken photos of the same thing before.  Never stop taking photos.

Take real estate photos all the time

2. Video tours should be something you are doing all the time.

Video tours do not have to be fancy, you just have to do them!  Here are some things fans love to see . . .

  • Take a video as you drive down neighborhood streets.  Do a street at a time.  Do every street in the neighborhood.
  • Take a video as you drive into the entrance and back out again of neighborhoods.
  • Take a video as you drive around the exterior of a neighborhood (when possible).
  • Take a video of your latest client as they give you a testimonial.

Videos help create the ambience.  Fans want to know every detail about a neighborhood or community they are considering moving into.  Give it to them!

3. Answer your niche’s questions.

Write a blog post that answers questions your niche has.  Not interested in writing?  Record a podcast or record a video.  The point is, answer questions and share that content on your Facebook page.

Even better, find out the questions your Facebook fans have and answer those right on Facebook (if they are short).  If they are longer, do the method I said above.

4. Local events are fantastic.

I’d be willing to bet there is not one “end all be all” resource for local events in your community.  It’s more likely that there are a few resources, requiring residents to jump all over the place to find things to do.

Be the curation resource for the community.  Post local events consistently on your page.  Particularly events that show support to the community.  Events like . . .

  • Chamber of Commerce Events
  • Fundraisers for medical needs
  • Humaine Society events
  • Food Bank events
  • Orphan Care events
  • Local artist events

These are but a few ideas of events you can post.  Typically you can find event calendars in several places: your local newspaper, your local library and your local chamber of commerce.

5. Third-party content that is insanely relevant to your fans.

Don’t post 3rd party content just to have something on your Facebook page.  Make sure the content is highly relevant to your niche.  Make sure it actually provides value.

This means you need to actually read the content you are posting, not just skim it.  Read it, understand it, and make your own analysis of it when you share it.

What are some things you’ve found that your fans just love?  I would love to hear what’s working for you.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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1869 E Seltice Way #392
Post Falls, Idaho 83854

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