You have to focus on the micro-steps, not the massive leaps.

Sometimes I think that real estate agents think that if they build a Facebook business page, the clients will just pop out of the wood work. And, when they don’t, they insist Facebook doesn’t work for real estate lead generation.

Well, I’m here to tell you that no, clients probably won’t pop out of the woodwork and that yes, Facebook is a breeding ground for generating massive real estate leads.

However. In order to generate massive amounts of real estate leads using your Facebook business page, you’ve first got to understand the Facebook funnel. The real estate lead generation process using Facebook.

First, let’s look at the real estate lead generation process . . . 

There are 4 main steps to the real estate lead generation funnel.

  • Step 1 – Capture
  • Step 2 – Convert
  • Step 3 – Close
  • Step 4 – Cultivate

Let’s break down each one and put in all the right ingredients…

Step 1 – Capture (Facebook)

This is where Facebook comes into the funnel. The Facebook portion is where we’re going to leverage the absolute best source of highly targeted traffic and drive it into your database, aka capture it.

There are several steps in this process including:

Step 2 – Convert (Database)

This is where your email marketing comes into the funnel. You need to treat your email marketing with just as much, if not more, importance than you would your phone calls. You’ve got to leverage your email marketing to build know, like and trust relationships.

There are several steps in this process including:

Step 3 – Close (In Person)

This tends to be where most agents (and brokerage trainings) give their highest energy and focus to… getting people who you have face to face or phone contact with into a position to close them.

The thing with this is that if you do Steps 1 and 2 the right way, Step 3 is insanely easy. In fact, you’ll close even more in Step 3 than if you just focus on Step 3 in all of your trainings.

There are essentially two steps in this process:

You’ve got to compel your prospect to sign a contract with you. Conversion.
You’ve got to guide your client to closing. Close.

Step 4 – Cultivate

Something like 75% of real estate agents completely toss this step into the trash. They don’t do it. When 70% of sellers say they would definitely use the same real estate agent again, and yet only 25% of them actually do use the agent they previously worked with… this isn’t the fault of the seller, it’s the fault of the agent. They haven’t been doing the fourth step in the real estate lead generation funnel.

You must focus on the long haul. If you want a solid, consistent real estate business, you absolutely must have a way to continue to deepen your relationships with your closed clients. 64% of sellers used an agent referred to them by friends and family. If you aren’t cultivating your closed clients, you are going to fail in the real estate business.

There are basically two steps in this process:

You’ve got to encourage your client to refer others to you. Action.

You’ve got to compel your client to use you again. Conversion.

Take a look at that process again.

The real estate agent mantra can be summarized into: Capture * Convert * Close * Cultivate. That’s easy enough to remember. It’s just not seemingly easy to implement.

At every point in the capture, convert, close, cultivate process, real estate agents freeze up. Some aren’t sure how to capture, others aren’t sure how to convert, others aren’t sure how to close and then, most don’t know how to give enough value after the closing to cultivate more business. That’s ok. Each step in the process can be learned and implemented in your business.

The most important thing is to understand the process.

Understanding the process is the first step in knowing how to capture, convert, & close real estate leads with your Facebook business page.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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