How to get in front of the right people at the right moment
Today, I have something super special for you. I have been watching the comments, I have been reading your questions about the struggles you are having, in the “Facebook for Real Estate Agents” group, in a lot of other groups where you are asking, you know, different things, like “How do I find real leads on Facebook?

How do I get it in front of the right people at the right time?

What should I be posting that people are actually going to like, and be interested in?

How do I turn my page likes into closings?

How do I get more reach, and more responses to my posts, without spending more money?

How do I follow up with leads that I’m already getting so that they don’t end up in the “Not Interested” pile?

How do I do all of this while I don’t have time, I don’t have extra money, and I’m not tucky?”

That’s what we are going to dive into, we are going to dive into all of that!

I have created a seven-part training series, just for you.

So that’s what we are doing today, all those questions, all those things, we are going to start and dive in, and over the next seven sessions, we are going to get you moving forward, to at least get you tools that you can use to start getting those leads and converting those leads and closing those sales.
Are you ready for this, like “WOOHOO,” are you ready for this?

What are the different struggles you have?

Here’s what I would love.

As I am going through these struggles, would you share, in the comments below, which of these is your number one struggle right now?

Is it “how to find more leads on Facebook?”

Is it “how to get in front of the right people, at the right time?”

Is it “knowing what to post so that people actually like it and find it interesting?”

Is it “how to turn your page likes into closing?”

Is it “how to get more reach and engagement without spending more money?

”Is it “how to follow up with the leads that you are getting?”

Is it “how to leverage your time?”

Is it “how to do things as inexpensively as possible?”

Is it the tech?

What are your struggles?

You’re the one watching it with me, you’re the one I’m trying to help. If other people come along, and they want to learn, awesome, but I want to customize it for your needs. So please let me know, in the comments below, which one of those struggles is your biggest struggle when it comes to Facebook.

If it’s a different struggle, please put that in the comments below! I want to shape this to help you, I’m doing this, this is kinda unprecedented, I’m doing a full seven sessions. That’s what I want to do, so please, please, please let me know your struggles below.

Don’t be shy, you’re not alone, but I can’t help you if I don’t know what you are struggling with, so that would be great, if you would do that for me.”

Alright, so here’s the thing, here’s what we are going to do, I created a seven part training series, it’s an entire workshop just for you.

This is for you. We’re actually going to move through all those questions that I put in the description, if you have other struggles, or if you really want me to reinforce a struggle for me to go longer on, and deeper on, make sure you put it in the comments below so I can shape the next six sessions for you..

So we are going to start with all of that, with all of these struggles, all of these things that I have talked about. They all start with how we’re looking at, how we perceive, how we are leveraging, how we are using, our Facebook business page.

What do I mean by that? A lot of times, what happens is we find a new advertising venue and we just throw ads at it, whether it was shopping carts, or billboards, or email, or gosh, I’m trying to think of all the other print advertising, classified ads, whatever it is. What we tend to do is the same thing that we have always done.

Here’s the thing that is really interesting, so we come to this Facebook page and we go “OK, great, this is like an online brochure, I need to promote me, I need to promote my services.” Makes sense, doesn’t it? Like it totally makes sense that that’s what you want to do, and that’s what you need to do. But, that’s not how Facebook works.

Anyways, that’s not how it works. What’s very, very interesting to me about social media is that social media in general, is forcing us to rethink all of our marketing, all of our advertising, and this is actually a really good thing. It’s forcing us to rethink how we are approaching people, in print, in advertising, in ads, etc.

It’s forcing us to go “wait a minute,” it’s not throwing stuff at them that they actually want. It’s serving them, it’s helping them, it’s about them. But what does that look like?

We are all going to be working through as much of this as possible through the next seven days.

So then we are going to dive into making sure that your page is set-up right, and the biggest, biggest piece of this is it’s focus. So we are going to dive into that.

Some frequent questions  asked are “how to get real leads, how to grow my page audience, what to post for engagement?” Bingo! Bingo, right there. This is the big chunk of what we are going to be covering.

A lot of you probably already have it, this is something common that I give out, because it is so pivotal, it is so powerful in making sure that your page is set up for everything that you want to do.

What’s in the Facebook Page Setup Checklist?

There’s all kinds of things that you should do, to set up your page, to make your page attractive, both to Facebook and to your future potential audience.

The biggest piece of this, is the focus of the page and this is where it’s like a paradigm ship in our thinking, because we are so engrained, or brainwashed, to think we need to market our services. And let’s be real, people know what we do, on the surface.

They don’t know everything we do, because if they did, they wouldn’t be complaining about the commissions. They don’t know all the different things we do in that regard, but I’m talking about, in general, they know that we get you through the process, as real estate agents, that we get them through the process of buying or selling.

So they know the basics, and if you are always telling people that you’re a real estate agent, or you are always engaged in the real estate area, people will know that. They know what you do, right? So if you use your real estate Facebook page as a way to promote your services, why would anyone want to connect to your page?

Like seriously, why would they want to like your page? Unless they have already done business with you, they are already loyal to you, they are already excited about you and so they want to support you, that makes sense. If it’s a page about you, people who already know, like and trust you, then they are going to connect.

But your business page, is meant and is available for you to grow and scale. And growing and scaling means finding people who do not know you yet. They don’t know you, they don’t like you (it’s not like they haven’t had the chance to decide yet), but they don’t like you, they haven’t had a chance to get to know you to see if they
like you and they don’t know if they trust you.

So if they are your “un-mets,” then why would they connect to “Jane-Doe Realtor” or “Jane Doe Real Estate Agent” or “Homes for sale” or whatever it is. Why would they do that unless they perceive themselves to have a need right then or there was a reason for them to know, like and trust you?

That’s why we need to rethink our Facebook business page, our name, our header photo, etc. All of that stuff needs to be focused on the consumer. Here’s what I mean by that- what, outside of you, is important to them?

And I don’t mean, because you aren’t important to them, but when it comes to living their life, you are a big piece of it. They don’t know it yet, but you are a big piece of it. Why? Because you are their house. And we make memories, we turn houses into homes, as people, we turn our houses into homes, we make memories in our homes.

So, it’s part of our lifestyle, our homes reflect our lifestyle, our homes reflect our taste, our homes reflect our desires, our homes reflect our passions, our homes reflect what we want the world to see and know about us.

If you are trying to build a relationship with people that you do not know, you want to think about a way to connect with them that is comfortable to them, that’s not intrusive to them, that is a way that reaches their essence, their core.

I mean, I’m using a lot of, I don’t know, like “woohoo” words, I guess, because this is about them. But it’s not about them on a tactical, task, boom-boom-boom basis. It’s about who they are, who they want the world to see them as, what they want them to achieve.

So all of our homes are lifestyle, and that is all a piece of it. When you are thinking about your Facebook business page, for those of you who have your pages established, or you have your Leads and Leverage membership, really think about what your consumer wants.

They’re willing to reflect something about themselves that’s positive, so when you go for your Facebook page, you want to make it, in essence, kind of a “homes and lifestyle” page. That doesn’t need to be the name by any means, because just the name alone is not going to help you in the long run.

Your page, the entire essence of your page, needs to reflect your “homes and lifestyle” concept. What is the lifestyle the people in your area aspire to? And I don’t mean that they all aspire to own a Bill Gates home, they don’t, but really, what do they aspire to?

Is where you’re at, your area, that kind of area, that transitional area, that most of the people on your page, they tend to be people who have teenagers and like to be the community home, for all the people to come into their home?

So that is a definite lifestyle trait. What could you share that would be interesting to that age group? This is all reflecting on your page, your header photo, your page name, and it needs to reflect who you are trying to reach.

This is really big, like really big...

Your business name should not have your own name, your brokerage name, your team name, none of that. When people are trying to connect to your page, that is the first thing that they see and that is the last thing that they are interested in.

Now I’m not saying that you need a stealth page, no, you need to use all of the pages with disclosure that Facebook has given us. They have given us the “About Me” section, they’ve given us the “My Story” section, they have given us “Company Profile” section, they have given some of us the “Pinned Post” section, and for some states, you have to do disclosures in your “Pinned Post” section.

Some of you, according to your state, have to put you are a real estate agent with xxxx brokerage and your license number in the header photo, not big, just somewhere in the header photo, so that it’s there, it’s disclosed. Some of you have to do that, but you don’t have to put that in your page name.

You don’t want to. Why do you not want to do that? You don’t want to do that because Facebook does not make it easy to change that page name. In fact, they are getting harder and harder.

They feel that if you get more and more page likes, even if you have ten, or a hundred page likes, and if you change that page name, it’s deceptive. They feel like it’s a bait switch.

So that means, if you are with RE/MAX, and your name is Jane Doe RE/MAX, or Realtor at RE/MAX, or whatever, and you switch to Century 21, you can’t change your page name. You are stuck. You spent time, you spent money, you spent all the time building your page under RE/MAX, and no you can’t change it.

And those are just franchise examples- if you change team names, if you get married and change your name, if you get divorced and change your name, or if you just change your name, any of those things, if they are in your page name, your page name has some semi-permanency to it.

You really want to make sure that number one, you don’t have a name that could potentially be changed in the future, and number two, your page name needs to reflect the essence of the page.

I want to ask you, what are the thoughts going through your minds right now about this specific subject? What hurdles are hitting your mind? What struggles? What do you think would work in your market?

I want to help you, and walk you through this. I have helped people in ten or twelve different countries do this, in all fifty states, and D.C. and two territories, I’ve helped them through this, through the ravocations of what their commissions say. I’m not an attorney, I just tell them what to look for.

Ask me your questions! What’s going on right now, in your head? Let me know, so I can help you.

What’s in the Next Training?

What we are going to do is, in the next training, I’m not done with this one yet, but in the next training, I want to talk to you about your posts. We are going to talk about viral posts, we are going to talk about the content you put on there, we are going to talk about how to get people to engage with you on there, to talk to you, to share your posts, to click like. We are going to talk about all of that because you will want people to engage with you, so we are going to talk about that in session number two, or training number two.

Right now, it is really important to get people to read your posts and engage your posts. We need to make sure that your page is set up in a way that resonates with them.

I often hear real estate agents say, “we had to start from scratch. Tried to change our name and Facebook didn’t do anything. It is mostly only focused on our sphere, not local.” I think you can see the two differences in what I was talking about.

When you set up a page that’s focused on you, and your services, the people are you are going to get, sure they are loyal, they are people who already know you, like you, trust you, but it won’t work as a leverage for those un-mets as the conduit between your un-mets and your base.

There are tricks to getting Facebook to let you change your page name. If you have a current page, sometimes you can do a two-step process where you have your old name, then dash, then add the new name, and then a week later, go back and take off the old part of your name.

However, that’s not always working and it takes two or so weeks to do. And for some of you, you have such few page likes and those likes aren’t targeted, they are just horrible page likes, because you went to the “real estate agent like farm,” that’s what I call them, that’s where we are constantly wanting to exchange page likes with other agents.

Not a good thing, it doesn’t actually help you. We think it does, we think it makes it look good, but no it doesn’t.

If you have other questions, ask them in the comments below. I’ll be looking at questions and comments throughout the entire seven-part training process,

Get the checklist. If you have any struggles with it, if you are really trying to understand how to develop the essence for your page, like the feeling of the page, kind of the atmosphere you want to build for the page, kinda like a restaurant, you know, if the food is good but the atmosphere is not inviting or enticing, people won’t stay.

If the atmosphere is inviting or enticing, people will put up with mediocre food for a great atmosphere. But they won’t actually come back for great food and a crappy atmosphere. And by atmosphere, I mean the vibe that you want to recreate, that’s what your page needs to have, so you really need to make sure to work on that.

How to Connect Previous Clients to your New Page

Have them connect to your new page. Just ask those people, email them, your clients, and say “hey, this is where I’m going, this is what I’m doing.” because let’s be real, if they just bought a house, they are probably not to going to sell for a few years. And so you will want them to refer you, and you will want to be there to help people who are beyond that six months of buying or selling, that whole process, and that’s what your new page is going to do.

What you are also going to do with that page is promote that lifestyle and local businesses, you are going to create that tribe, that vibe, that audience that is going to resonate with you. You want your people who already love you, over there.

You Want to be Specialized and Localized

Another thing I wanted to share with you in this training, you need to go local. You need to go local. And some of you are like “but I’ll work anywhere!” Stop it, stop it. No one relates to it, okay, let’s just use an example, let’s say you are in Santa Ana, you psychically are in Santa Ana, but you work a lot of the L.A. area, and you just say “L.A. metro” or whatever.

Or just say you are in “Woodland Hills,” or anything along that area, nobody is going to go “Oh yeah, L.A. area.” What they are going to do is, if are in Manhattan Beach, the people who are in Manhattan Beach, or who want to move to Manhattan Beach, they are going to resonate with that. They resonate with specificity, you need to be specialized and localized. If they are in Santa Ana, they will resonate with “Santa Ana” area.

And if you don’t do the “Santa Ana” area, do the areas that you do, name them, be specific. My husband’s cousin lives in that area, there’s a specific area that she lives in, it’s super cute, she’s a teacher down there. If that was the area I was working in, I would totally relate to that area, I would totally make my page all about that area, etc.

So you want to make sure that you resonate so deeply, so deeply with their location, like hyperlocal, you want to do that. You can’t just go to a neighborhood, like just one specific area, because, number one, it’s really hard to target that, and number two, it’s often not big enough, on Facebook.

More often, you need a area that’s more than 1,000 or 2,000 people neighborhood. But, you could do much better than “Los Angeles,” you can go down to one specific town in that area.

Another example is New York City. New York City is comprised of five borough areas, so we have like Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, etc. If I just did like “New York City,” then people live in, say Long Island, don’t live the same kind of lifestyle as people who live in Manhattan. Now, go even deeper, go into Manhattan, do you know how many areas in Manhattan there are? It’s huge! There is like “Battery Park,” there’s “So-Ho,” there’s “Upper East Side,” there’s “Midtown,” there’s “Hell’s Kitchen.”

Narrow your focus for your page, be that expert, be that community person, so go from the city, to a section of the city, to a section of that area.

So depending on how big you are, or how big your location is, many cities have that, definitely. If your area is under like 400,000 over all, you are probably, well like, Spokane for example, I would do “Spokane Valley,” or “North Spokane.” I would narrow it, just so that I could resonate with people.

People who live in North Spokane have a different lifestyle than the people in Spokane Valley. People in Coeur D’Alene have a different lifestyle than those in Rathdrum. Those are really small! But what they are really interested in is a little bit different. You need to figure this out, that’s kinda big.

What if they live outside your area? Like 15-20 miles away? Should you just rely on keeping in touch with your previous clients, but not necessarily with Facebook?” Yes, you can ask them to connect to your new page, that’s fine, you can absolutely ask them, yes.

The whole point of your page is that your page is a conduit. Your page is not a destination. 

So what we are trying to do is we are trying to leverage this conduit to connect with people we don’t know yet. Then we want to connect with them, then drive them to our database.
We always, always, always want them in our database, and we want to be connecting, like emailing them every single week, not with canned crap, we will talk a little bit about that in the next six sessions.
We will talk about that, we don’t want to use canned crap, we actually want to connect with them, real and purposeful. But we can do that on a mass scale. So you can definitely ask them to connect, but don’t stress if they don’t.

Should I Have Multiple Pages?

Now if you do more than one city/town, should you have a seperate page for each one? So, you need to do one. You might serve more than one city or town, but you need to do only one page, focus on one page. You need too. There is enough business to do only one, and you aren’t saying no to anyone who lives in the surrounding perimeters, you’re not saying no to that.

Don’t Get Into The Scarcity or Panic Mode

So I think that makes us get into the scarcity or the panic mode. You don’t need to do that. There is enough business, and you need to specialize. People need to understand that you are an actual authority.

A lot of people in our area say “well, I work all of Northern Idaho,” or “I work all of Eastern Washington,” and I’m like “Well, good for you, what are you doing, twenty transactions a year? Thirty transactions a year? Maybe?” No, you can actually specialize in your one area and do hundreds. We’ve done that.

You don’t need to expand your area. And if you work more than one city or town in your area, build one first. Like seriously, build it out. It’s going to take you a year to fully build this out, to get your ads up and going, to be generating leads, you are going to be so busy with transactions that you aren’t going to want to expand.

But, we do have people in the Leads and Leverage membership who own multiple teams in multiple areas. That’s different. Different areas in California, in Texas, etc. So that is completely different.

If you are talking about adjacent areas, or just because you’re afraid you will miss some business, don’t, okay, no no.

What if you moved about six years ago, from the metro city to suburbs, so your clients are a bit different and have changed.. So their needs, what you are going to put on your page, what they desire and what their lifestyles are like, are going to be a bit different.

I mean, in metro, it’s about walkability, it’s about how close can they walk to anywhere, how close could they ride their bikes anywhere, what is storage like, what is space like, are there stores everywhere, can they get to stuff, etc. Even shopping, how you shop, is very different from the suburbs.

When we are in NYC, it’s very different. You buy for each day, or for a couple of days of food, or you eat out. In the suburbs, it’s Costco, I buy for a month at a time. So it’s completely different, even farther up.

People in my area, they are so far out that they only come to town once a month. That’s it. So they do all their big runs in one day, because it takes an hour and a half to get anywhere. We have those extremes. So me talking about places to shop and eat that are only five minutes away is not going to relate to those people who live an hour and a half outside the city.

If you are a land specialist, then you need to make sure what you are sharing, what you are putting on there, is worthwhile and interesting to them.

The next session that we are going to be doing is on your content, your posts, what are you putting on there? How do you leverage them? How do you get them moving forward? Yeah, that’s what we are gonna do.

In the next session we are going to be posting and I will have a posting calendar for you. I’m going to give it away to you. I’m going to do that for you, I have free stuff to give away at every session.

What if your page name is your town, but you serve towns in a twenty mile area and you’ve been inviting people who like your posts to like your page, even if they are in an adjacent town? If you serve outside of your town is this practice a poor choice, or okay? You will find that people who live in towns adjacent to your town have a lot of friends in your town.

So that’s fine! In my area, I have Coeur D’Alene, Post Falls, Hayden Lake, and there are other small towns around the area. If I were to name my page Coeur D’Alene, and then I would still invite people because people are still going to come for the lifestyle stuff to talk about.

Some of the stuff does overlap, because we are in the same county, so some of the information is relative to all of them. And people also interchangeably live in all those towns, I have lived in all three myself, and that’s what people tend to do, they don’t tend to stick to one. So that’s fine.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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1869 E Seltice Way #392
Post Falls, Idaho 83854

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