No. It's that simple.

One of my Leads and Leverage members was recently approached by a local small business asking her if they could post on her Facebook business page.

She didn’t have any experience with the business and came to us to find out what she should do.

You see, as your Facebook business page become more visible and successful, you are inevitably going to have people who want to push out their stuff on your page.

Some go about it by simply posting on your page, via their own profile. Definitely just delete those posts and ban those people.

Others, like the small business above, follow an unwritten etiquette rule to ask the page owner before doing anything.

But even then, should you allow others to post on your page? Will it benefit you or them?

I dive into it in this short video: (video above)

The bottom line is that your Facebook business page is your reputation. Treat it with the respect it deserves. Leverage it to build know, like and trust relationships and you’ll have a smoking hot real estate business.


Hey there! It’s Christina with Leads and Leverage and I’ve got another question or Q&A for you. Question that I’m answering and, it’s actually from one of my members and she actually asked in the group, in our private group. She asked, “You know, I just got a message from someone on my business page and they wanted to know if they can post to our page”.

So, basically, it was another business owner asking if they could post to her Facebook business page. So, there’s a couple of things that you have to think about here. First of all, if you don’t know the person.. And in this case, you did not know the person. If you don’t know the person then the answer is automatically, “No” at the beginning. Because, you don’t know the person.

But second, if they post to your page, it’s not going to get really any reach or exposure or get out to your fans. It’s just going to be on your page. Now first of all, I command that business owner for asking first. That is wonderful. So, what I would probably do since this person did not know the person who asked.

I would actually reach out and start forming a relationship with them. So, as you.. As your pages, as your business pages become more successful as far as more targeted local likes and more activity on them, people are going to want to do this. So, if people automatically post to your page.. You need to delete their posts and remove them from your page and ban them.

Be it colleagues or other businesses, it doesn’t matter. That is just.. That’s not okay. It’s not okay to just do that. The second is if somebody asks and there’s someone you don’t know, then that’s a great way to start a new relationship with somebody. Get to know them and see how your businesses can help each other.

What could they do? Would this be a good thing? If it’s someone that you do know and you’re like, “I would no more do business with that person. Ever”. Don’t say that to them. But, just make it a no. No, you can’t.

And, I would not let people actually post to your page, ever. You can promote businesses if you want. That is totally up to you. Then, posting it to your page won’t help. But, I really would reach out to people like.. If people email you or message you, I would reach out and start building relationships with them and see what you guys can do with each other.

What kind of collaborations you can do, etc. Because, it really helps. It does really help to do that. But in general, no one should post to your page. You control it. That’s the first thing.

And secondly, you want to make sure you know them. Because, just by the fact that you put them on your page, you’re recommending them and your reputation is at stake. So, make sure you know the person or the business that you’re kind of talking about on your page. Alright? So, hopefully this helps you through all this as you’re growing your page.

As you get your more targeted page likes and you get more people.. You’re going to get this kind of question. And, you’re going to get people who do things kind of like in a way you don’t want them to do. This is a great reach out. This was, again.. This is a great way to reach out to this, this agent.

And, I think it’s the beginning of a good relationship. So, there are other ways that are not so great, but.. You know, this is how it is. This is Christina with Leads and Leverage. You got more questions for me? Ask me!

Give me a thumbs up. Give me a like. Give me a comment. Give me a share. Email me! Let me know what questions you have. I want to answer your questions and I want to help you get your businesses going steady.. Consistent. No more feast and famine. Have a great day!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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