The number two reason your real estate Facebook page isn’t getting any engagement or bringing in any leads is because when you are posting, you are posting either your listings or, you are posting content that is totally irrelevant and confusing to your prospects.
That’s why.
The reality is that 99% of real estate agents with a Facebook business page simply are not posting anything. They create the page, post once or twice, and then stop.
Maybe they’ll even post once a month or so.
I’m not real sure what they are expecting and I’m not sure why they stop. It’s probably a multitude of things really.
Even at that, do you know what they are posting? They are posting “ads” for their “services”. They are posting links to their listings.
Come on people.
Think about your Facebook business page like a cocktail party. If you yell out that you are a real estate agent at the beginning of the party, how on earth will that help you? No one really knows you, no on really cares. Listen to conversations and provide your expertise, don’t stuff it down their throats.
If you yell out in the middle of the party that you have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, town home in the downtown area, look, here are the pictures, what do you think that is going to help you do? You’ve just eliminated anyone who wants a condo, a single family home, out in the suburbs, on a ranch, whatever.
If your Facebook business page is like a cocktail party, you have got to mingle. Mingle a lot. Mingle often.
This translates like this:
Um, yup. You have to post content at least every single day, ideally at least three times a day.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that two to three times a week is good. There are some businesses focusing on selling Facebook status updates to real estate agents and they are discouraging posting more than three times a week. Know what this tells me? Tells me that said service doesn’t know much about Facebook OR real estate except that real estate agents are looking for content and they want a piece of agent commissions. They aren’t there to solve the problem for real estate agents, they are there to capture a piece of the pie from real estate agents.
When someone “likes” something you post, thank them! When someone “comments” on something you post, respond to them! When someone “shares” something you post, comment on their share, on their page or profile.
Check this daily. Engage daily.
The worst mistake you can make. Selling you, advertising a house, pushing your services in their face. The consumer does not care. They don’t. Keep sales and promotional posts down to one out of five, at minimum. This means you post interesting stuff four times then post a listing or sell your services.
It also means that you don’t just post a “hey look at my new listing” link. You post something interesting about your listing. You engage the prospects to talk about your listing.
Some “gooroo” somewhere is telling real estate agents to post anything and everything. Just post. Oh my gosh. Someone needs to pop that “gooroo” in the mouth.
Seriously? Your business page is about real estate. Keep it there. It is not about knitting, or sky diving, or football. It’s about real estate. I mean come on, do you go to a camping page to learn about tennis shoes? Do you go to a cycling page to learn about social media?
Your prospects are coming there for you to answer their questions about homeownership. Answer them. Give them content that focuses on homeownership. You’ve got a huge wide world to post on: from the buying or selling process to home maintenance to credit repair to remodeling to decorating to insurance needs. Get what I’m saying? You’ve got so much content that is important, valuable, and usable for the consumer that you don’t need to saturate your page with irrelevant content.