It's easy, when you know how to do it right.

Then you absolutely MUST take an hour out of your time and watch this Google Hangout – it’s an interactive Facebook Marketing Q&A with Michael Stelzner and Mari Smith.

Facebook Marketing Q&A

While they take a very short amount of time brushing up on basic concepts, there is a ton of high-level Facebook Marketing content in this video.

Are you too busy? Don’t have an hour to spare? Do you understand that you are an expert at Real Estate and you’d prefer to leave being a Facebook Marketing Expert to someone else? Ok then! I listened in for you. Here are some of the highlights and take aways and what each one means to you, as a real estate agent, and your online marketing strategy with your Facebook Business Page.

Hang on cause here we go….

“On average, only 16% of your “fans” will ever see your page posts in their newsfeeds”

What does this mean for real estate agents? It means now, more than ever, it is vitally important that your posts are heavily engagement focused. That your posts get the reader to share it, comment on it or like it, ideally doing all three. The percentage above can vary by 2% to 45%, with the higher end being pages that are extremely interactive with their fans. It also means that a combined paid and organic strategy is extremely important.

“75% of users access Facebook via their mobile device”

What does that mean for real estate agents? It means people are using mobile. It means Facebook is used heavily. It means mobile dominates. It means that when you are posting content to your Real Estate Facebook Business Page you absolutely must make sure any content you link to is mobile responsive. You must make sure that your focus is a combined computer friendly and mobile friendly environment.

“Using Power Editor is paramount when implementing Facebook ads”

What does that mean for real estate agents? It means that if you are going to put an ad in the sidebar, or promote a post, or sponsor a story, you need to be using Facebook’s Power Editor. Creating ads via “traditional Facebook avenues” means your ads are not seen in mobile browsers! This is HUGE. When 75% of users are accessing Facebook via mobile, where do you want your paid ads? You want your ads optimized to show up in both the computer and mobile browsers.

“Story Bump is more relevant than “EdgeRank” was”

What does this mean for real estate agents? In order to get your posts “bumped” (getting them to show up multiple times in users newsfeeds), your posts need to be popular and interactive. You need to be posting multiple times each day.

“Link posts are not getting the visibility they should be getting”

What does this mean for real estate agents? It means that either you need to use fewer link posts or figure out a way around your posts being classified as link posts. It means that just popping your blog post link in a status update isn’t going to cut it. It means using strategic methods to get your link posts seen and interacted with.

“Last Actor” was just released by Facebook”

What does this mean for real estate agents? The need to understand what the heck “Last Actor” even means, and then understanding how to keep your content relevant and continuously engaging so that your page is one of the top 50 rolling items in each person’s newsfeed. It means that now, more so than ever before, interactive and engagement focused posts are absolutely paramount.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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