If you aren’t getting any conversions on your Facebook posts right now, how are you going to get real estate leads?
That’s Amanda’s struggle. She said that she’s “not getting conversion on Facebook posts now” and doesn’t see how she’ll be able to get real estate leads.
Do you have this same struggle? Here’s something that will help you:
Hi! I’m Christina with Leads and Leverage and I help real estate agents sell more houses using Facebook.
Today’s question comes from Amanda from our Facebook for Real Estate Agents Group.
Amanda says “my struggle is that I am NOT getting conversion on posts now.”
Amanda do you expect a sale every single time you post? Is that what you mean by a conversion? Do you expect an appointment every time you post?
Well that’s not how it works, so you have to rethink Facebook.
Just like when you meet people in real life or face-to-face for the first time. You don’t go for the jugular and you’re immediately like… “well let’s sit down and write a contract or this just is not a good conversion.”
No, you get to know them. And then you maybe see them at other events or you go to other events or you have them over to your house for dinner or you know, you progress.
There’s a progression process and each step is a little bit different and then, then when they’re ready to buy or sell real estate you’re there and you’ve built a relationship with them and you’re the person that they think of.
Now there’s some little tricks along the way to help that conversion but in general it’s about the relationship so if you’re putting a post out and it’s probably a listing or an open house or I sell whatever and you’re not getting conversion on it, it’s because you don’t understand at all how to use Facebook.
Facebook is just you it’s you on a virtual scale.
So if you would go to the Chamber of Commerce and walk up to every single person… “Hi I’m Amanda with XYZ Realty and I sell real estate, wanna buy or sell? And they just look at you like you’re nuts, that’s what posting like that on your Facebook page looks like to everyone else.
This is about relationships so share things about your town. Connect with people in the area that you work in on something that you’re mutually interested in.
Which is where you live, the lifestyle, the restaurants, the wine tastings, the clubs, the pubs, the events, the parades, all that stuff that’s really interesting about your town.
That’s what you want to connect with them on and then keep connecting with them and build relationships that way. All right Amanda! You’ve got this!