Content planning for real estate agents

I debuted today on InmanNext.

Well technically, exactly 2 years ago, I had something published on InmanNext.  It was a 10 step proven Facebook Farming Strategy – for real estate agents.  Did you read it?  Take a moment and check it out.  Comment there!  Yes, it’s 2-years old, but the method is exactly the same today as it was then PLUS, I will respond to your comments with two more years of wisdom behind those techniques :D

planner or procrastinator

Now, the reason I don’t call that post my “debut” post is because I originally wrote it to share in a Facebook group I was a member of.  It was liked and then I was asked if InmanNext could just copy and paste it into a post over there.  Of course, I said yes :)

Today’s post however – I wrote specifically for InmanNext.  It’s about content.  Well technically, it’s about content PLANNING.  Are you a planner or a procrastinator?  I’ve included 4 awesome tricks to always be a planner.  Head over there, read it, comment.  Let me know.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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Post Falls, Idaho 83854

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