Do you need more clients? Then you're not too busy.

LNL TV Episode #17:  I’m Too Busy To Be On Facebook  

Hum… truth or fiction?

I get a little hard-nosed in this one…

LNL TV Episode 17 I'm Too Busy To Be On Facebook

Odds are, you’re too busy “wasting time” to be on Facebook – oh yes, I just went there!

I’m going to make a few of you upset, and that’s ok, because this needs to be said…

here’s LNL TV Episode #17 “I’m too busy to be on Facebook”
(video above)

Have questions for me? Come on over to the Facebook for Real Estate Agents group and ask!! I’m happy to help you!!
LNL TV Episode #17


Hey! This is Christina with Leads and Leverage. And today, it’s going to be.. I’m going to be a little blunt. And, I’m going to be a little bit kind of hard-nosed and some of you aren’t going to like it. So.. I’m okay with that.

So, here’s the thing. I got this statement from somebody and (I just.. Yeah. So, first of all it’s..) Basically, I’m too busy to be on Facebook. It’s just wasted time. So, my first thought is.. Okay, do you actually believe that or is this really true?

And actually, the thing is, this person really believed it. But, when the person was actually narrowed down.. We started narrowing down where this idea came from.. Came to realize that they were just parroting what they’d heard and they weren’t really busy. So, here’s the deal with this.

If you’re so busy that you don’t have time to be on Facebook, you better be busy sitting at the closing table.. Closing deals. That’s really that simple. If you’re not closing the number of deals that you want to close then you’re not too busy to be on Facebook. (So..) But, you gotta go deeper with this, obviously.

What are you spending your time doing? Are you spending your time chasing after.. I don’t know, paperwork? Are you spending your time at all kinds of events chatting with people? I’m trying to be out where everybody is all the time. Are you spending your time watching TV shows?

Are you spending your time on more trainings than you actually are in time implementing? (Are you.. I mean, really.) Let’s get real here about what you’re spending your time on. When you’re at the office, what are you doing? Are you standing around the water cooler talking with people?

Or, do you have a driven line by line? This is what I’m going to do from this time to this time. Lead generation focused time. I bet you don’t. And, (that's not a..) Most agents don’t. So, that’s not a.. You know, “You don’t”.

That’s a, “Most of us don’t”. Most of us, kind of, we hop from deal to deal. We hop from lead to lead. We don’t have a strategy. We don’t have a focus. So, here’s the deal if you’re too “busy” to spend time on Facebook.

Either the time you’re spending all kinds of time doing crap. Nothing. Or, you have a really phenomenal business and you don’t really want to drive any leads from Facebook. But, the other thing is.. Maybe it’s because when you go on Facebook, you waste time. You sit around and scroll through the feed.

You let yourself get way laid off into other things. You spend time in Real Estate Focus group jibber-jabbering which is.. I mean, all of those are wasted time. If you’re going to go on Facebook, you’re going to do it strategically. If you’re not going to have a business page, you’re going to strategically use your personal profile to stay connected with people who are likely to use your services.

The people that you know to be your spare. You’re sparing your referrals. You’re going to focus on that. You’re going to wish them “Happy Birthday” on their birthdays. You’re going to wish them “Happy Anniversary” on their anniversaries. Congratulate them on their babies and graduations and all that stuff.

You’re going to leverage your time that’s involved in volunteering and leverage your time that’s involved in chamber groups and networking groups. By being on Facebook and connecting with those people on Facebook and engaging with them. If you’re going to leverage your time rather than waste your time.

But, if you find yourself wasting your time or saying that I’m too busy to do this? You really need to analyze what you’re too busy doing. Because, Facebook.. Even if you don’t use business pages.. Which, business pages.. The whole point of them is to scale your unmet.

To grow and expand your business. But, your personal profile? Your personal profile is incredibly powerful for increasing your relationship. Deepening your relationship with your sphere and building that referral business. So, if you’re too busy to deepen a relationship with your sphere, and.. I mean, grow your referral business?

Then you need to re-evaluate what you’re doing. How you’re spending your time. Are you spending a lot of time doing planning and not implementing? (That’s really..) Usually, that’s what I see. I see agents wasting time fooling around on Facebook.

I see them wasting time. You know, watching a lot of TV shows. Not actually working. You know, their eight hours or whatever it is a week. Not actually working when they’re working a lot of office water cooler time. Things like that.

So, you really need to evaluate this. Because, Facebook is single-handedly the best place to leverage your time. If you actually use it in a strategic manner. So, hopefully that helps. Hey, I hope I didn’t piss too many people off today. Anyway, this is Christina with Leads and Leverage.

If you have any other questions or statements or whatever about Facebook for Real Estate? Come over and join us at the Facebook for Real Estate Agents group. That’s where I am. That’s where there’s a couple thousand people over there. And, there’s no spam in this group. It’s awesome.

So, it’s really focused on lead generating on Facebook. Thanks so much for your time and have a great day!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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