Focus on engaging your people

How do I increase Facebook post reach without boosting posts?

As a real estate agent, you definitely want to leverage Facebook as much as possible while also spending as little as possible.

Or rather, you want to spend wisely, creating the biggest impact with the time and money you are putting into Facebook.

So the question I was asked recently was “How do I increase post reach without paying to boost posts?”

Well, here’s the answer: (video above)

In reality, focusing on reach is the wrong metric to focus on. In fact, you shouldn’t even be focusing on increasing post reach… high reach will not bring in more leads.

So what do you focus on? Watch the video :)


Hey guys this Christina with Leads and Leverage. Today I want to talk a little bit about facebook post reach. I got a question from one of my members and they said “My post reach is about 50 to 60 people in a best case out of about 790 total page likes. How do I increase post reach without boosting post?”

So here let me talk about this a little bit. First of all, post reach, number one I’m going to say something that’s probably going to go against what you’ve heard or go against the grain. Should I need to be worried about post reach? In general you really don’t.

Number two, your post reach, you don’t look at individual posts, you look at your total post reach for all your posts over a seven day period. So in other words you have 790 page likes if you have five posts a day going up and they’re all getting about 50 reach each day. That’s 250 people that are being reached every day through one of your posts. And then if you think about that times 7, you’ve got over 1500. So your people on your page, your page likes are being reached more than twice a week. This is good. So that’s what you want to realize that’s first of all.

Third of all, you don’t really want to focus on post reach. The only time you really want to see what’s up is if especially you notice if you are not putting out content or or sharing content that you know is actually relevant and interesting to your page likes, to your audience that you're building. If you’re not doing that then your post reach is going to be a problem because it’s going to completely disintegrate

People are not going to be interested in what you have to say or what you are saying. So in that respect you kind of need to watch and see what’s going on. If you’re putting out new stuff you need to see if people are interested in. If you’re not getting, I would say about a half a percent per post of people, actually looking at it or showing its Otis reach that then there’s a problem. So usually I wouldn’t go to boosting the post, I would go to first of all looking at page likes. Are your page likes targeted? Are they actually, (and I talked about this a lot), are they targeted? Are they people who are in your zip code, who owned a home in your zip code?

If their agents from around the country around the world or if they’re just random people you accumulated or maybe even page likes that you purchased, then your post to reach is always going to suck and you’re going to have to pay and it’s going to be wasted money because you’re going to be paying to reach people who aren’t even interested in what you have to do and say.

Okay so your page likes have to be relevant. I know in this case this members page likes are relevant. Absolutely I know that. Because she’s been building it the way I’ve been teaching. So the post reach of about a half a percent… She’s doing pretty good, almost ten percent. are almost one percent are actually she looks like she’s getting about almost ten percent of hers and the bigger your page gets the lower you’re going to get reach.

So the reach is decent for her but don’t focus on posts reach as far as “I need to boost, I need to boost” that’s not the point the point is is to bring people into your page give them relevant information and then remember you’re going to slide them. It’s a conduit into your database. So if you’re giving relevant information, they’re going to see it, they’re going to engage. This isn’t about viral, this isn’t about getting more people to see a single post, this is about overall within a week span of time.

So hopefully that made sense to you. Hopefully that was clear to you. If it didn’t and if you want more clarity, ask me below. Give me a thumbs up, a like, comment, share, wherever you’re listening to this and you know what send me your questions. You have questions, send it to me. I want to help you guys, I want to help you guys build your business, I want to help you leverage Facebook. I want to help you be successful.

All right, This is Christina of Leads and Leverage and I will see you in the next video.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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Post Falls, Idaho 83854

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