it's all rooted in consistency

Do you know what the number one problem real estate agents struggle with is?

Do you know why you don’t have the real estate business of your dreams, right this minute?


It’s because of consistency.

The #1 trait the most successful people in the world have is consistency.

Consistently implementing every single day.

Consistently focusing on the lead domino and whacking away at it until it falls. (Gary Keller, The One Thing)

Consistently taking action towards valuable goals.

Consistently doing what should be done, not what needs to be done.

Consistently focusing on the unsexy but important and ignoring the sexy but unimportant.

Consistently following through to the end. To completion.

Consistently living counter-culture to the perceived norm.

Consistently determining what needs to be learned next, and learning it.

So why is it so hard to consistently implement?

For a multitude of reasons…

We are lazy and comfortable.

We want it to be easy. It looks like it should be.

We are dealing with our own insecurities and limiting beliefs.

We are a culture of casting blame and excuses rather than looking inward and accepting responsibility.

We like the sexy, and the nitty gritty of success isn’t sexy.

We compare our hot mess to someone else’s greatest hits.

We don’t like to read and we aren’t willing to change our mindset on this.

We insist we aren’t “techy” and use this as an excuse to stay in our current situation.

We’ve convinced ourselves that “relaxing” is being mindless. That watching TV is a way to relax.

We refuse to believe every single piece of scientific research that says we need 8 hours of sleep – we say we are the exception, when there are zero exceptions.

We refuse to entertain the notion that what we watch (on TV) has a direct correlation on what we do and who we are.

We aren’t willing to do the boring, dull, droll things we need to do each and every day so that we can reach the level of success and live the dream life we want to live.

We keep watching and reading the news and allow the negativity to permeate our brains and drive our mental and physical energy.

We don’t like time blocking because we believe we are being controlled.

We refuse to create and adhere to budgets because we insist people who do that aren’t actually living their lives.

We haven’t surrounded ourselves with people who have the kind of life and business we desire.

We allow ourselves to be influenced by others who have no dreams or goals or aspirations, except to party every weekend.

We go to conferences and trainings and treat them as a “get drunk” party rather than a “grow in life & business” party.

We don’t take action every day.

We don’t implement.

We don’t plan our days, our weeks, our months, our years.

We don’t organize ourselves for success.

We search google for random “studies” that insist that a messy desk is the sign of a “whatever” brain.

We look for crap that supports us staying in our current place, in our current state of mind.

We don’t like being uncomfortable, either mentally or physically.

We haven’t found our passion, something outside of ourselves, to live for.

Guess what. Somewhere, in this list, is you. I’m in there too.

Success takes work. And work starts on ourselves, first.

What are you holding on to that is blocking your ability to be successful?

Consistency trumps creativity every single time.

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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