Start running Happy Birthday "Ads." Get the step by step process NOW!

We’re going to be walking through “What can the Walking Dead teach real estate agents?”

That’s what it’s gonna be, “What can the walking dead teach real estate agents?” Because I am going to explain how I discovered this, use it and it’s pretty awesome.

I am going to teach you guys how to do it yourselves.

Okay, so today we’re doing Happy Birthday ads, so let me explain a little something, I am just going to pop-up a little picture here for you to see.

About 3 years ago  my husband said, “you’ve go to see this, you’ve got to see what’s going on!” and I went “what do I got to see?” He said, “so you’ve got to see this!”

And I went, “Okay, what is this?”

He’s like “Well, it’s my birthday and this is a birthday thing.”

And I was like “This a birthday thing, how do they know it’s your birthday?” “How do they know it’s your birthday? What? How? Who?”

I am looking at this and I am watching this and I am going “That’s genius! That’s like totally cool!” Because look at how many “Likes” and comments it’s got on it, we didn’t get the share thing, because people just thought  it was so cool that The Walking Dead was wishing them happy birthday!

Now, this is obvious for followers of The Walking Dead, I don’t watch the show, but he did and so this is genius. And I immediately went and implemented my own, super awesome, I love it! I had it going, It had thousand of “Likes”, hundreds of comments, and then Facebook changed.

Their targeting something and another, and my ad, I accidentally turned off, they were running the ad, but I accidentally turned it off and lost all of that social proof.

So we’re going to walk through and start our new Facebook ad, it’s an ad, we’re gonna run it as an ad, we’re gonna target birthdays.

Now, a couple of things you want to know about.

One, the image, if you notice that Walking Dead image it just had like “Happy Birthday” across the eyepiece, right? Well, the image that you use, I see a lot of people who try to do this image with too much verbiage in it.  So you want to make sure that you’re not using too much verbiage in your image that you’re gonna use for “Happy Birthday”.

Why would you do Happy Birthday ads?

Now, why would you do Happy Birthday ads like in the first place? Happy Birthday ads are meant to be a part of your Audience Nurture strategy, so you can nurture your audience the same as post engagement ads, you can do this, but this is more specific to them.

What will happen when you set this all up, this Happy Birthday ad will run to anybody within a week of their birthday, 7 days, within 7 days, so it’ll run to them. People love this! They absolutely love this so I am going to teach you the basics on how to set this up and get this running.

Then I am going to teach you a little bit of an advanced version of it. So you’ve got both options going.

I want everybody to start on the beginner version, but then I want you to grow and add on to the advanced version as you grow so you do not have to wait until you have the advanced stuff.

Now okay, is that clear? I hope so!

Use Canva to get an image

Alright, so let’s do this.The very first thing you’ve got to know is you have to get the image right.

Okay, the first thing I recommend is that you use Canva to get an image. You cannot use the images inside Facebook because you’re actually going to put verbiage, words on top of the image.

You’re going to have to edit and create it yourself here. So you cannot use the free ones unfortunately because it won’t accomplish what you want it to accomplish. That’s number one: Use Canva.

Use Canva to edit your picture

Two, use Canva to edit your picture. So let me give you a couple of ideas of what I have for mine that I found. The first one, this one I don’t know it will actually be approved through Facebook because I think it’s got too much “Happy Birthday” text and it actually came this way, but I want to show it to you real quick.

Here’s the first one, and you can see if you find that one that it  would be very questionable, but what I am saying is make sure it’s not the whole huge screen, make it tiny small.

This one here I am going to show you next does pass it, I’m using it for mine. And then this one, that I am going to show you is the one that I created, and people love.

All I did was Google, I mean not Google, but inside Canva, I did verbiage for balloons and then I took it over to Canva, and added the “Happy Birthday” text at the bottom so it fits all the parameters.

So you can use whatever you want, anything you want, look for party, celebrate, anything that stands out crystal clear, stands out really well in the feed.

Remember people are on their phone, they’re on their phone mostly so you want something that stands out best on a phone. So if it’s really small stuff with lots of lines, you may not really see it so this one kind of stops them because it’s a pretty picture and it gets them.

So just be aware of that when you’re doing your images, you don’t want the text to big and you will need to purchase an image and use Canva to put the verbiage on the image. Make sure you check the amount of text on your image with the Facebook text overlay tool.

You will not be able to use the ones, even if Facebook gives you their Canva connections in ads and has “Happy Birthday” all over it, they’re going to deny your ad being pushed out.

Don’t “try” it because what happens when you keep trying and pushing the boundaries with ads, you’ll get your ad account shut down. So make sure you know that you can’t do the text, don’t try to get away with it like it’s a Craigslist ad where you create another account. You do not want to do that, so don’t do that, okay?

So the image, minimum text, vibrant colors, that’s the big thing, so that’s why I recommend Canva. And then of course Canva so you can the text overlay. 

The next piece of this we’re going into is Ads Manager, I am going to walk you through setting it up, so we’re going to go through and set this puppy up.

Use Quick Creation in Ads Manager

Okay, so the very first thing that you’re going to want to do is, I use “quick creation” so make sure you’re in the same creation if you want to follow along step by step, if you’re “guided creation” it’s going to look very different. So make sure you’re in “quick creation”, that’s where I am.

Create a new campaign

So create new campaign, the campaign for me, I always use the page name because I have multiple pages, “Happy Birthday” ads – that’s how I do – you can just birthday ads if you only run for one page, so I do LNL- Happy Birthday ads, I leave the buying type as option, your campaign objective is post engagement, you want people to engage in this post.

This is something, “Happy Birthdays” are something you’re going to set them up and you’re going to get them going and you’re never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to turn them off, kind of like page “Like” ads. You’re not going to turn these off. Okay?

Objective is post engagement

So you want to make sure post engagement, ad set and I do LNL-Birthday ads and now when you get into your ad set,  I am going to run my birthday ads to warm audiences. A warm audience includes your website visitors, your email list, your page likes and your page engagements, video views and things like that.

Now if you don’t have a big enough warm audience, usually 10,000 or more then Facebook probably won’t let you run the ad to it because it’s a birthday audience – it’s going to share a teeny-tiny audience because only so many people have a birthday within those 7 days.

If you don’t have a big enough warm audience, run it your pin-drop cold audience, that’s okay. You’re pin-drop cold audience, all right? So let’s do this, until your warm audience is big enough run to your cold.

I am going to save this as a draft and go.

So we have post engagement right there, I don’t want to publish it.

Ad set audience

Okay, so let’s go to ad sets, my audience is a warm audience, if you’re doing a cold audience, you’ll pull in your cold. I am pulling in a warm audience.

Set your budget

Now, here’s what you can do for most of you, you can start at a dollar a day and you can probably leave it there. If you have under 5,000 page “likes”, we used to just run these to page “likes”, but you might as well run it out a little bit more.

Warm audience or page likes

I prefer to run mine to a warm audience, but I have a really big warm audience. Again if you just want to run it to your page “likes”, you’re going to need to have at least 1,500-2,000 page “likes” in order to get an audience size of at least 20, it’s only one week of birthdays.

I suggest running it to warm audiences including all those warm audiences or run it to your cold audience and your warm audience until you’re warm audience is big enough to only run to your warm audience.

Did that make sense to everybody? If you are watching this live you can comment below, if you are watching this in replay go ahead and pop your questions into the comments.

Okay now, I am going to run this to my warm audience – I need to find my warm audience, it’s right there. And it’s not going to tell me about my reach because I have now officially flipped over to not, i don’t get to know how many people are in the audience when I have a customized list that I brought in.

So edit, here’s the other the thing I need to do, I need to “detailed targeted” so once you have the warm audience selected and all this stuff, you go down to detailed targeting and you say “Upcoming Birthday”, upcoming birthday right there.


Demographics so include people who include one of the following either upcoming birthdays, so out of your warm audience the only people who are going to see this ad are people with an upcoming birthday which means within 7 days, people who are going to have their birthday within in one week. Okay?

Connection type

Now that is it, out of connection type, and you have a warm audience up here already, you do not want to narrow your connection type down here, so I am running mine to my warm audience, like I said my email list, people who’ve engaged, website views, and that also includes all my page “likes”. Okay?

Now I could exclude my page “likes” here and I could run a separate ad to my page “likes” if you have a page that has a big “like”, I don’t think any of you guys have more than 2-3,000 on your page “likes” but we have 15,000 on ours so I am going to run a separate ad, one to my warm audience, one to my page “likes”. So I am going to be running two separate ads to those two people.

Make sense? Hopefully!

Alright, so I am going to save this as a new audience, this is “Happy Birthday” – save.

Alright, does this make sense?  Any questions on this so far?

Edit placements

Edit placements, as always you know me, audience network, suggested video, it’s not a video, no videos, articles are okay, feeds are okay. I’ll run a separate one for Instagram, I have to write that down, because I want to run a separate one on Instagram.

But you guys, the feed and instant articles, it won’t let you in marketplace because it’s not a video so you don’t need to do any of those. You’re good.

So we scroll down and leave everything else the same, okay? Leave it all the same as it is.

Alright, so now we’re going into the ad itself, and the ad itself is pretty easy to do. We’re going to create a post, don’t use create an ad – we’re going to create a new page post.


Instead of creating an ad, you’re going to do page post, because of what you can do if you’re running multiple versions of this – so I’ve got this one going to warm audiences, right?

And I want this one going to my page “like” audience – so that’s 2 versions of it then what? I can create another page post here and not publish it out to my page – I can pull that information in the exact same post, out.

In other words, I can combine the social proof – so it’s actually one ad going out to TWO different places – I can combine the “likes” and comments – and everything will be under the same ad.

Just like if you posted an ad first to your page, I mean a post to your page, and then you ran it out to multiple audiences coming from one ad source, same things as this means.

This is the same thing I am doing, I am going for big time social proof here, I am going for engagement, building engagement, building nurture for my people, so you want to make sure that when you’re doing this – you use this option and not create ad option.

Okay – just want to make sure you guys know that so you know why on this one it is different.

Alright, let’s see questions.

“Will it send you to page “likes” and engagements too if you run a pin drop?”

Alright, so if you run a pin drop – that’s your cold audience, it’ll send it to everybody it sees for some reason, so I am actually, as you’re building your warm audience, this ad will help build your warm audience – so as you’re building your warm audience it will not exclude your page likes, your post engagements, but it will not specifically target them, so hopefully that answered your question.

Create a new post

Alright so, I am going to create a new post, so we’re going to do this and upload a photo, actually I will drag and drop the photo, boom, boom, boom.

Alight so, then I am going to say, “Happy Birthday!” Now one thing you need to include are emojis that actually get people to respond, “like” and engage in post more, like a huge percent more than just a text. You’re putting a picture in, but emojis help.

So I am using emojipedia.org – these links will be included in the training, I am using emojipedia, you can use birthday gifts, whatever you want. I just search for birthdays, well I searched for celebrate, you can see celebrate right here, and if you click on the image you want, right there just click copy and go over and add it to your ad.

Happy Birthday, I am adding it there.

So I am going to save the unfinished post, I do not want it to post anywhere, but I am going to save my unpublished post. I am done with that one.

Then there is like nothing else I have to do, except for publish this particular ad.

I publish it and it starts running, did I set it at a $1 a day? I can’t remember what I set it at. I told you guys to set it at a dollar a day, but I’m not sure if I changed it. Yes, I did, $1 a day.

So this is it, so that’s it.

Melissa asked, “Is there a way to target your page likes until you grow them large enough?”

You can’t specifically target them, like you can’t just run an ad to them unless it’s coming and you have to have a big enough amount that your ad will have at least 20 in it.

Remember this is something where you’re pulling, if you have 1,000 page “likes” divide that by 52, that’s how big your audience is for the most part. Because remember, this for one week of people so you need probably 1,500 -2,000 people to target just your page likes.

Now if you’re coming to a pin-drop audience that will include your page “likes” if that’s who Facebook things the ad should go to. So you gotta build up the page likes, honestly, that’s why I suggest doing a warm audience.

Not just your page “likes” but a warm audience.

I am going to run two sets of this ad, one to my warm audience which is this one and I am going to run the same exact ad to just my page likes, that way I excluded the page likes in this ad.

Now one thing I am going to do, everything now from the beginning of this video to now, is all what I call “beginners” way to get your nurture ad running.

It’s a fabulous way to engage with people, it is only one time a year, they will see it 3-4 times the week of their birthday, once a year, people really like it.

The next level

Now if you want to do this to the next level I am going to show you what you can do next. Not just getting into it, but you can actually also, not just get engagement on the post, but drive traffic to your website, drive traffic to your blog and you can also drive traffic to opt-in.

So I am going to walk you through how I am setting mine up, and I will explain and translate how it should be for you, okay?

So let’s go into the ad itself, because I am literally going to do it from the ad, and I don’t exactly have everything done yet, so I cannot actually edit the post from here. I cannot actually set this to run, right now, let me see if I can edit the post real quick.

I believe that I can from my page, so I can show you the advanced version of this, just a minutes I’ll get there and I will share my screen.

I just want to get in, get logged in and look at the . . .well the post isn’t showing. Just a minute, it’s because it’s still in draft. So let me, do this real quick and see if I can get it, published.

I’m waiting for Facebook to take the save. Doesn’t look like it’s going to show me the ability to edit that post so here’s what I am going to do, I will show you, I have to create a second one and do the editing now, which kind of stinks because I wanted to be able edit it right here, right now, but it’s not going to let me.

Okay, so let me go ahead and go ahead and share this so you guys can watch, so I do not have all of my pieces together like I should have. You saw at the beginning of the video and that was how to set up a “Happy Birthday” audience.

Okay so here’s where it is, I actually have to redo this particular ad, so let me show you how duplicate the ad right here inside of this.

Not a new ad set, click existing ad set, duplicate and I am just going to leave it as a copy. Oh no, I can’t do that, well oh today is a day of me.

What on earth, where did I, why am I? Oh there I go, delete, okay. Sorry! I am just going to create a new ad in here, LNL-Happy Birthday- ad, warm, new.

I am doing this because I have to redo my ad, I am adding more stuff to because I created it as a post. When you create it as a post, it’s a little bit more clunky, so I am here in the Happy Birthday ad, I am actually going to create a new post, remember “create new post”

Now, here is what I want you to know, here’s what you can do, let me go ahead and ad the photo to this and I am not going to say done yet.

Here’s what you can do!!

Here’s what you can do, I am actually going to use this training as when people run into this birthday ad, I am going to say “Hey, wanna know how you can do this for your page?”

I am going to give away this training because what I want to do is I want people to see this happy birthday thing and I want them to comment below to get the training link, okay and go over to my blog, over there and have the training for free and then if they’re there, they’ll get the  transcript and the checklist will be there as well and you’ll get that too.

The checklist they can download, is an opt-in, I want to make sure you guys understand this process first, okay. Make sure you understand everything I am talking about.

They’ll see the ad which is cool, in the ad itself it’s going to say”Hey if you want to do this for your people. . .” Or something like that, then you can click here, I have the training available for you here, so I am giving the video away for free, that will be on the blog.

And then on the blog, it will be “Hey do you want the transcript, do you want the downloads? Give me your email and I send them over!” It went from page engagement, a website visitor, to an opt-in.

Now, how can you guys do this? How can you use this? Here’s where you can do it:

You know all the places locally that give birthday people on their birthday something free. A free meal, a free drink, a free something, right?

If you write a blog post and you compile a list of all the different places that people could go on their birthday where they will make out with free – that’s the blog post.

You say, “Hey, happy birthday, here’s a list of places where you can everything free today! Or free on your birthday!”  Drive them over to your blog post, there’s the blog post, then say “Hey, do you want to download this?” Yeah? So if you want to download this, here is the PDF of it, give me your email and I’ll send you the PDF.

Basically, you are doing a free gift, free blog post, free PDF, that’s what I am doing with mine. I am doing the “Happy Birthday” ad, then I am saying, “Hey do you want to do this for your people?”

Here you go, they can go over to the website, I don’t require them to opt-in to watch the video or read the blog post, it is a gift. It is an absolute gift, if they want more, if they want the checklist, if they want the transcript in a PDF form, then guess what? They can trade an email for that, but they don’t need that.

Secretly underlying, I got the post engagement and I got the website visitor. I am okay with those, with either one of those.

So that’s the thing you’re giving, you’re nurturing, you’re going to give them a real gift, you’re not selling them anything. I am not selling them anything on this, the only thing at the end I ask for their email, if they want the full-details.

Like Red Robin gives you free burger if you sign up with them, but that’s not a local place either. I am sure there are other places who give a free soda or give a free this, whatever, just find those local places in your community and create this and when this goes around on their birthday, guess what?

Super fun, super relational, and you’ll totally kill it, you’ll totally nail it.  

So in the ad I was going to start, I don’t actually have the blog post yet, because the blog post is going to be this video. This video I am creating for you guys is a blog post, I’m putting it up on YouTube and on here and the members site, and we’re  gonna have checklist, transcripts and all of that kind of stuff.

So moving on that is what mine will look like, but yours can be here are the free places, whatever on there.

Questions from the video

Heather wants to know, “what if my engagement audience is too small….“ Add your website audience, add you email audience. Add everything to it so it makes it bigger, but that should be big enough to run to Heather. Remember we are going down to 7 days, even if Facebook says it’s to small, I believe they will still run this.

Yes, Mila, absolutely, give value. And it’s funny because value is so many things we do. Wish them “Happy Birthday” and then give them something that doesn’t require them to pay for it or buy it.

Don’t find the places that discount, do the advanced option first, do all the free stuff first and then below, say “If you are interested in discounts, here are places you can go.” But give them the free stuff first.

I always think it’s lame when people are giving a gift, you have to buy something to redeem the gift, it’s not a gift.  It’s not a gift.

If you have questions, let me know.

Did you guys have any questions or anything else I should answer about this process before we end this. It is really simple, and I would love to see you guys implement this as soon as possible. It’s $1 a day, super easy.

Now if you have like 20, 30 or 40,000 page “likes”, I don’t think any of you do in here, in real estate especially if they’re targeted, they would not be. If you’ve got that many page  likes for a real estate agent page, probably not very targeted in your area.

Cold audience is just a pin drop, of course you have to do their upcoming birthday.

Yep, you can do that! Alright you guys, this has been fabulous, thank you so much.

This is pretty much the process and I wanted to give you that advanced option because that is like huge, not only do you get the post engagement, but you also get the website visitors, plus you can get opt-ins.

People like this, they like this kind of stuff so good luck you guys with this.  

Have fun!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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