Mix it up. 2 different audiences require variations

Should you, as a Real Estate Agent, duplicate your content on both your Facebook business page and your Facebook personal profile?

Unequivocally, NO!

Did I shout that loud enough?


Well, then NO! You should not duplicate your content! EVER!


Ok. Now that I yelled that loud enough . . .

People connected to both don’t want to see the same thing in both places.

facebook finger network
Image courtesy of [Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

In actuality, they’d see the same thing, twice, in one place, their newsfeed.

Do you know what happens when people start seeing duplicate content in their newsfeed?

They hide it.

That is the kiss of death in Facebook Land.

You do NOT want your content hidden.


For one, it downgrades your rankings for your business page.

For two, you can’t prospect or market to anyone when you are invisible.

Not only is it the kiss of death, but copying and pasting the business content from your Facebook business page onto your Facebook personal profile is against Facebook’s terms of service and can land you in “deleted” land with Facebook.

As in, all that work you spent gathering a “tribe” is wasted.

Since you agreed to Facebook’s terms of service when you created your profile, that is your warning. Facebook won’t warn you that it’s killing you off. They will just do it.

Yes, I know people personally who have died a fast and frustrating death on Facebook. They lost everything and had to rebuild.

Not fun. Not easy. Not worth the effort.

Additionally, copying and pasting the business content from your Facebook business page onto your Facebook personal profile does absolutely nothing for your engagement rankings (formerly known as page rank) on your business page.

You need a high engagement score in order to even be seen in people’s news feed. See, Facebook decides what goes into people’s news feeds, and what doesn’t. If Facebook thinks no one is interested in what you have to offer, no one will ever see what you have to offer.

If you feel that your personal sphere engages more than your business page, or that you have a broader base on your Facebook personal profile, then you need to connect the two the right way.

facebook share button
Image courtesy of [Master isolated images] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Here’s how . . .

First. Post your awesome content on your business page. Make sure you are using a variety of different posting types (text, photo, link, video).

Second. Use the “share” button on that business page post and “share” it with your personal profile.

Third. Make sure when you share, that you say something that relates directly and uniquely to your personal sphere, compelling them to go over to your business page and engage with you there. If nothing else, word the test portion entirely different on your personal profile than you did on your business page.

Fourth. Engage. Thank every like. Respond to every comment. Thank every share.

Now, go forth and generate real estate leads on your Facebook business page!

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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Leads and Leverage
1869 E Seltice Way #392
Post Falls, Idaho 83854

 This site is not a part of the Facebook™/META website or Facebook™/META Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™/META in any way. FACEBOOK™/META is a trademark of FACEBOOK™/META Inc. 
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