Plan, create, curate

I’m curious… how far in advance do you plan out your Facebook content?

Are you an “on the fly” person or an “on the same day” person?

OR, do you plan out your Facebook content a week or month (or more) in advance?

5 tricks to rock your Facebook business page

I’m also curious about how consistent you are when it comes to posting on Facebook.

Are you consistent or are you inconsistent?

If you’re like most people, you don’t do any planning, you post on the fly and you are inconsistent. You do all random posts and sometimes it’s days and weeks between each of your posts.

I’m going to show you how to plan, prepare, and proceed.

In an ideal world, you’d plan out and write your Facebook content 3 weeks to a month in advance.


Yup! That far in advance.


Because first of all, it virtually eliminates stress and second of all, it drastically increase the quality of your content.

Why does this matter?

Because Facebook and Google have both said that “quality content” is the name of the game. This means that if you want to leverage either of these for your real estate business, you better be creating and sharing quality content aka valuable and relevant content.

And the truth is, quality content is neither created nor curated on the fly. It takes time to gather ideas, answer questions and share.

Here are 5 tricks to help you plan out your content in advance, just like a professional content marketer:

First of all, you’ve got to know who your focus is.

What do I mean? I mean, you need to figure out who your ideal client is and focus solely on them.

Are they a buyer? A seller? An investor? For the love of all that’s content, do not pick all of them. Always remember, when you market to everyone, you market to no one. If you want to capture and convert online real estate leads, you MUST have a singular focus.

Pick one. Stick to that one. It’ll pay you back in huge rewards.

Second of all, you’ve got to figure out what topics your ideal client is interested in.

This is not the time nor place to just throw out articles and hope something sticks. In fact, there is no time or place that it’s beneficial to do this!

If you don’t know what your ideal client is interested in, you need to take some time and think about what they like. If you aren’t sure, poll your past clients and ask them!

Third, you’ve got to create content that is relevant to your client.

How do you create content?

One of the best places I know that just feeds you ideas all day long, is Trulia Voices. Check out their fabulous Q&A forum. Find questions that you can shape to fit your own market and answer them! Not on Trulia Voices of course, but on your own blog!!

To be even more relevant, insert your local market names & details into the questions (think of the questions like a template that you can shape to your local market) and then answer them. Either in written form or video form. Doesn’t matter. Whatever is easiest for you to actual get done, do it.

Fourth, you’ve got to curate content that is interesting to your client.

The beauty of Facebook lead generation is that it’s not just about content you create. It’s about what you provide the consumer. The answer doesn’t have to come from you, you’ve just got to know your consumer and help provide clarity and convenience for them.

So, where can you go to find high value curated content?

Here are some options for you: Home Depot is known for sharing awesome do-it-yourself tips and tricks. Lowe’s is known for teaching about home maintenance. HGTV has got home decor and remodeling ideas coming out their ears and Pinterest… Pinterest allows you to create boards focused on topics or themes that you can share with your audience.

Fifth, think in batches.

Spend one day and get the next 3-4 months of content, done. Batch your time and your work.

Gather questions from Trulia Voices that you can answer over the next several months on your blog (and share your blog articles on Facebook of course).

Spend time on Home Depot, Lowe’s & HGTV finding tips, tricks and trainings your audience will love and gather them up into a spreadsheet that you can then just schedule to share on your Facebook business page.

Hop onto Pinterest and find home improvement boards to inspire you to create boards of your own… create several boards and share one each week with your audience.

By planning ahead, you are more prepared to be fluid and flexible in your content. Plus, you get the huge added benefit of consistency (which is the key factor that makes or breaks your online lead generation).

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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