The most commonly asked questions

Do you know what the most commonly asked question real estate agents ask me??

“How do I get my Facebook page posts seen.”

But guess what… that’s the wrong question.

The right question is “how do I leverage my Facebook page for my real estate business.”

In a quick nutshell… you get your posts seen by being valuable, being relevant, being inspirational, being entertaining and through it all… staying contextual.

(A quick metric to watch is your weekly overall reach (not individual post reach). This means you look at how many posts you put out on a weekly basis and you combine their total over all reach.)

But, be that as it may, you have to remember that your goal as a real estate agent isn’t to necessarily get your posts seen… no matter what you do, Facebook is only going to show each of your posts to 1-3% of your page likes. In fact, it’s most likely a whole lot less for most agents, because they are throwing out noise and doing the proverbial “push marketing” (which doesn’t work by the way).

Your goal as a real estate agent for your Facebook business page is to drive traffic into your database, a database where you actually create and develop know, like and trust relationships.

You can spend time making a page that has high reach and engagement – a LOT of time. Or, you can spend time leveraging the page to drive highly targeted traffic into your database.

I’m teaching you how to drive targeted traffic into your database because that’s where the closings are.

First and foremost, your posts must be contextual and relevant.

What do I mean? I mean, your posts need to be what your consumer wants and needs to see – NOT sales pitches – NOT listings – NOT open houses – NOT sales pitches – NOT sales pitches.

What do they want? They want to laugh. They want to be inspired. They want to feel good. They want solutions. They want answers to their questions. They want to look smart. They want a real person being real with them.

This is the very definition of authenticity and transparency.

Here are 5 steps to getting your Facebook page posts seen:

FIRST, you MUST have a page with HIGHLY TARGETED page likes.

If you’ve added all of your real estate colleagues – you’re doomed. If you’ve added all of your friends list – you’re doomed.

Why do I say this? Because first, these people are not your target audience. They are not going to respond to your posts – which means Facebook isn’t going to show your posts to them.

Second, these people did not discover your page on their own. The joy in social media (it literally activates dopamine receptors) is in the discovery.

They need to feel as though they discovered you – which is just one of the many reasons why I preach (and teach) running highly targeted page like ads to build a highly targeted page like audience that has “discovered” you.

SECOND, you MUST be posting relevant and contextual content that your target audience wants to see.

None of this “national statistics” stuff. None of this “for other real estate agents” stuff. None of this “I’m trying to be your local events coordinator” stuff.

You’ve got to find out what your target audience likes and give them that, contextually of course.

For most residential home buyers, they love remodels, home tours, DIY’s that are relevant to increasing their home value, seeing how other people live, local content that affects their home, etc.

THIRD, you must be posting frequently.

None of this once a day, couple times a week stuff. You need to post every 4ish hours or so. Do not take a break. Do not stop.

(You can leverage something like Edgar to keep you consistent, even during your crazy busy times of the year).

Content goes stale VERY quickly on Facebook and Facebook only shows your most recent content to someone who is online, right at that moment.

(I recently learned of a known real estate social media vendor telling agents that if you post more than 2-3 times per week Facebook sees you as spam. Just for the record, this has never been true. Ever. They don’t know what they are talking about and this is a perfect example of why you need to personally understand the strategy behind using the single most effective online lead generation source available to you today.)

FOURTH, you must be engaging in your content and with anyone who engages in your content.

Don’t just post links! SAY something about the link. WHY are you posting it? What are YOUR thoughts? Ask a question! Seek a response from your page likes!

Do you know how many agents pages that I’ve looked at that have engagement (comments) and the agent hasn’t acknowledged them at all? Let’s just say… most pages that I look at agents have just ignored conversations.

In fact, it’s even worse – when agents have people who have posted right on their page, asking a question, and there has been no response.

You HAVE to respond to engagement just like you would a phone call, or a walk-in, or an email.

FIFTH, you must be watching for anything that appears to get even more engagement than normal

And then BOOST that content out to your target audience (excluding your page likes).

This helps your overall reach! Don’t boost everything. Wait about 48 hours to see what people have reacted to – not how much reach Facebook has given it, but rather what kind of engagement has it had?

Then, boost high engagement posts for 7 days. Have a high engagement post boosted every week.

Want to know more? Here’s a recent #RIBBIT episode on this very subject: As a real estate agent, how do I get my Facebook page posts SEEN?

 Written by Christina Ethridge - the founder of Leads and Leverage, helping overwhelmed business owners eliminate the marketing chaos and get more customers. Simplify your marketing & bring in more sales. 
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